California Food Bank >> Thousand Oaks Food Assistance >> Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank

  • Name: Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank
  • Address: 3020 Crescent Way
  • City: Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
  • Phone: 805.497.4959
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Founded in 1971 by a group of people who felt that no person should ever go hungry in the Conejo Valley, Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank has been providing food assistance to our friends and neighbors in need for more than 40 years; and have made it our mission — “To feed hungry people in the Conejo Valley.” Manna is situated in a 700 square-foot house in the “Old Town” area of Thousand Oaks, and serves, on average, more than 1,400 people per month. With holiday distribution programs, we help over 20,000 people each year throughout the 101 corridor cities from the Calabasas Grade to the Conejo Grade. Unlike many food pantries in the area, Manna is not formally affiliated with any religious organization, nor are we federally funded in any way. In fact, Manna exists almost entirely on private donations of food and funding. More than 95% of the food Manna distributes each year is donated by organizations, businesses and individuals from around theConejoValley. Funding is provided through generous donors and grant writing efforts. With 1 in 6 people facing hunger issues on a daily basis, Manna has taken a strong stance against hunger in the ConejoValley. There is no quick fix to the issue of food insecurity, but with unified dedication from our grocery partners, donors and a caring public, Manna is providing the support our friends and neighbors need. We invite you to join us in our quest, where “Neighbor Feeding Neighbor” is a daily reality.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?