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Love and Hope in Action, Inc.
- Name: Love and Hope in Action, Inc.
- Address: 1760 SE Salerno Rd.
- City: Stuart, FL 34997
- Phone: 772.781.7002
- Website: http://lahia.org/
- Contact Email: loveandhopeinaction@gmail.com
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs: Cold Night Shelter; Clothing; Community Kitchen; Food Pantry; Social Service Assistance; Health Kits
- Description: The mission of Love And Hope In Action is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in Martin County by providing an opportunity for a productive life to the homeless and indigent through helping them meet their spiritual and basic physical needs. We are dedicated to reaching as many individuals and families in need as possible and to be responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us by individuals, churches, corporations, business and community organizations. We have also been serving Martin County as a partner agency of the Treasure Coast Food Bank since 2007. Community Kitchen: We serve an average of 700 meals on a weekly basis and are open Monday through Saturday, no matter the weather or holiday. Our community garden provides food for use in the kitchen. Food Pantry: As a Martin County agency for the Treasure Coast Food Bank we are open to the homeless and needs on 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
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