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Los Angeles Catholic Worker - Hospitality Kitchen (aka "Hippie Kitchen")
- Name: Los Angeles Catholic Worker - Hospitality Kitchen (aka "Hippie Kitchen")
- Address: 821 E. 6th St.
- City: Los Angeles, CA 90021
- Phone: 213.614.9615
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Our soup kitchen, known commonly on the street as “The Hippie Kitchen†is located in the central city ghetto of L.A.’s Skid Row. With over 10,000 homeless, poor and marginally employed residents, this area, with it’s numerous street encampments and rescue missions, has been dubiously nominated “the homeless capital of the nation.†It also is the most policed area in the nation, indeed second only to Baghdad’s Green Zone as the most policed area in the world.
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