Minnesota Food Pantry >> Minneapolis Food Assistance >> Incarnation Church Food Shelf

  • Name: Incarnation Church Food Shelf
  • Address: 3817 Pleasant Avenue South
  • City: Minneapolis, MN 55409
  • Phone: 612.822.2101
  • Website: http://www.inc-scj.org/
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Hours: Tues, Thurs 8:30am - 2:30pm

Comment from Nancy Lo: I wanted to let you know that we have grant funding available to help food shelves and meal programs buy freezers and coolers. Our two focuses with these grants are 1. to increase capacity (rather than just manage what has already been coming in) and 2. help you capture food that would otherwise go to waste. The grants cannot be used to replace existing freezers, and the freezers must be Energy Star-certified. Please see the bottom of page 5 of the grant guidelines for more details. We can help develop grant proposals and provide technical assistance. Applications will be accepted until late November. If interested please email Nancy.lo@hennepin.us

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