Kentucky Food Pantry/Personal Hygiene Items/Utility Bill As >> Frakes Food Assistance >> Henderson Settlement - Community Services / Family Assistance

  • Name: Henderson Settlement - Community Services / Family Assistance
  • Address: 16773 Highway 190
  • City: Frakes, KY 40940
  • Phone: 606.337.3613
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Families in need can register for our food pantry and we serve approximately 250 families who are at or below the poverty income level. The families we serve range from single person households to families with children. Each family can visit the pantry once a month. Each box contains a variety of nutritional food; enough to feed the family for three to five days. We receive USDA commodity food at no cost from God's Pantry out of Lexington, Kentucky. We also purchase other food items from them at a drastically reduced rate, making each dollar stretch farther to help the families that we serve. For approximately $35, we can provide food to one family each month. We also accept food donations at anytime throughout the year. Both monetary and in kind are what makes our food pantry successful.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?