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Spring Valley Food Assistance >>
Heaven's Windows
- Name: Heaven's Windows
- Address: 2300 Bancroft Drive
- City: Spring Valley, CA 91977
- Phone: 877.595.6059
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs: Child Nutrition Program; SER- Jobs for Progress; Seasoned With Love Hot Meals; Heaven on Wheels; Community Resources; Food Pantry and Clothes Closet; Emergency Food Assistance Program; Community Free Food Distribution; SonShine Haven Bible Club; Hunger Advocacy
- Description: We are located in a very low-income and crime riddled area of East County, and have seen such a need for the basic necessities of life, so we formed our agency to meet that need using the partnerships that are available to us. Our goal is to reach and unite the diverse population of our area by bringing a message of hope and a sense of community. We are passionate about reaching and influencing this community where it is needed most; the family. We serve anyone who needs help, such as the homeless, families, refugees, and people of all ages. It is our mission to elevate the current living conditions of poverty-stricken residents, and assist in establishing a stable status of living while providing support for building strong families.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community