New Jersey Soup Kitchen >> Sussex Food Assistance >> Harvest House Community Lunch Program

  • Name: Harvest House Community Lunch Program
  • Address: 37 Main St.
  • City: Sussex, NJ 07461
  • Phone: 973.875.6445
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs: Harvest House offers a free, delicious, nutritionally-balanced meal to individuals and families in the Sussex, NJ area.We are grateful to the local farmers who donate, in season, fruits, vegetables and eggs. We also provide, when available, pet foods and supplies, to help those struggling to provide for their pets.
  • Description: Harvest House is a non-profit community lunch program located in the rear of 37 Main St., Sussex, New Jersey. We have been providing a free, hot meal in this community for almost 25 years.Our mission is to provide a hot, nourishing midday meal to the needy and under-served population in the northern section of Sussex County. We provide a clean, friendly and welcoming environment which is easily accessible to those we serve.The number of hot takeout meals we distribute daily is growing. Volunteers and donations are needed.With inflation and today's economy, the most vulnerable people in our community need us now more than ever. We need your support.It doesn’t take a big commitment to make a big impact. Your time or donation makes a difference in the lives of your neighbors struggling with hunger. Please help Harvest House to continue our mission and get food in the hands of those who need it most.
  • Business Hours: Monday-Friday11:45 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
  • Volunteer Information: Volunteers are always welcome.Although we have many dedicated volunteers working at the Harvest House kitchen serving meals or helping in other important ways, we are always looking for individuals who can contribute their time, treasure and talent to this very worthwhile cause. What can YOU do to help? Contribute money. Harvest house depends on donations to exist. With the increasing costs of food, supplies, and overhead, even a small monthly donation will help tremendously. Please consider supporting us to continue with this very important mission. Help feed those in need, here in Sussex county. • Consider working on a committee. We are always looking for interested people to work along with us to insure the future of HARVEST HOUSE • Have your business host a fundraiser to benefit HARVEST HOUSE • Donate food, bottled water, drinks and paper supplies • Volunteer to work in the kitchen or pantry • Pick-up and deliver food from our local contributors • Work at fundraisers • Attend our fundraisers -- we need your support! Please volunteer or donate now to support those struggling with hunger in our community  
  • Volunteer Link:

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?