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God Provides NAFB
- Name: God Provides NAFB
- Address: 2453 Troy Avenue
- City: South El Monte, CA 91733
- Phone: 626.442.4273
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: GOD PROVIDES is a Native American Food Bank 501 © 3 Organization serving the greater Los Angeles. God Provides NAFB strives to be a helping hand in difficult times in performing its purpose for being. Our primary activity is providing food for the needy. We provide 100 lbs family food packages, work with Churches and offer free lunches daily to those in need. Our daily FOOD RESCUE distribution addresses a major concern of helping to feed needy families with a healthy diet of fresh produce, fruits, dairy, dry goods and meats. God Provides NAFB receives no state or federal funding. Our funding sources for the collection, transportation, refrigerated storage, food warehouse, and distribution of food includes individuals and corporate contributions, grants, and special events. We are dependent upon and greatly appreciate those individuals, corporate sponsors and our everyday hard working volunteers who contribute their valuable time and money to help those in need. It is the goal of God Provides NAFB to be a leading resource for delivering the basic needs of the individual and the family in Southern California. God Provides NAFB is a professional organization that serves thousands of individuals and families monthly.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community