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Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church Food Pantry
- Name: Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church Food Pantry
- Address: 1723 Schaer Street
- City: North Little Rock, AR 72114
- Phone: 501.374.9520
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: The Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church Food Pantry began in 1985 with a mission to prevent hunger in North Little Rock. It has been open continually since then, except for one 3 month period when it was relocated to a larger area in our church building. The pantry is open twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. If a holiday falls on one of those days, volunteers, donors or recipients may call ahead to check the schedule. The Pantry is staffed 100% by volunteers. Everyone is treated with the utmost respect and a friendly smile from the workers. The food is collected as donations from church members, other churches, local organizations and purchased from local food banks and stores as needed. Our goal is to furnish recipients with a 4 day supply of food every 28 days. Our only requirements are that they live in North Little Rock, that they furnish a photo ID, and fill out a request listing their family members and ages. We serve households with just one person and others with large families. There is also a need among the homeless population for our services, which we provide as requested. We offer canned vegetables, dried beans, rice, macaroni and cheese, canned dinners, mixes, frozen meats, bread and milk as they are available to us. During times when some of these items are not available, other items are substituted.
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