Oregon Partner Distribution Organizations >> Eugene Food Assistance >> FOOD for Lane County

  • Name: FOOD for Lane County
  • Address: 770 Bailey Hill Road
  • City: Eugene, OR 97402
  • Phone: 541.343.2822
  • Website: http://foodforlanecounty.org
  • Contact Email: dmwoodward@foodforlanecounty.org
  • Counties Served: Lane
  • Basic Programs: Brown Bag, Cereal for Youth, Children’s Weekend Snack Pack, Community Food Systems, Emergency Food Pantry System, Extra Helping, Family Dinner Program, Food Rescue Express (FREX), Gardens, Multicultural Outreach, Rural Delivery, Summer Food Program
  • Description: In 1984, FOOD for Lane County incorporated with one staff person, one volunteer, and five board members. Vision: To eliminate hunger in Lane County. Mission: To alleviate hunger by creating access to food. Values: In carrying out our mission, FOOD for Lane County embraces the following core values and exemplifies them in our work: partnerships; self-sufficiency; diversity; service with dignity; advocacy and education; stewardship and acknowledgment.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?