California Food Pantry >> Fallbrook Food Assistance >> Fallbrook Food Pantry

  • Name: Fallbrook Food Pantry
  • Address: 1042 South Mission Road
  • City: Fallbrook, CA 92028
  • Phone: 760.728.7608
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  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Fallbrook Food Pantry has served low income and disadvantaged families since 1991, when the Fallbrook Ministerial Association created Fallbrook Community Project. In 2005 our name was changed to Fallbrook Food Pantry to more accurately reflect its purpose. A food issue is based on family size. A typical week's issue might include: Chicken, ground turkey, canned tuna, hot dogs, etc.; Milk and sometimes cheese and or yogurt; Beans- canned or dry; Fresh vegetables and fruit; Canned vegetables and fruit; Bread; Rice or pasta; Juice frequently; Frozen food items occasionally. For 2 decades, the Fallbrook Food Pantry (formerly Fallbrook Community Project) has worked to relieve hunger and provide hope and resources to our neighbors in need. It is the largest agency of its kind in the unincorporated areas of Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, De Luz and Pala. Food assistance is given to those who qualify according to Federal guidelines for poverty level income. Many of our clients fall far below the "official" poverty line. Our clients include families with children, seniors, the disabled and the homeless, among others. The majority of clients we assist are children for whom regular, meals are of prime importance. Food assistance to children promotes a higher level of health and well being as well as increasing their capacity to concentrate and perform well in school. And if you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact us. We are here to help.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?