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Costa Mesa Church of Christ - Caring Kitchen
- Name: Costa Mesa Church of Christ - Caring Kitchen
- Address: 287 W. Wilson Street
- City: Costa Mesa, CA 92627
- Phone: 949.645.3191
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Caring Kitchen began in 1983, when a small group of ladies from the Costa Mesa Church of Christ studied their Bibles and realized: “You can’t say you’re a Christian and then turn your back on others.†They concluded that God wanted them to do something to help feed hungry people. So they made a few casseroles and the first week, only one person showed up. But word travels fast on the street, and soon Caring Kitchen grew. In 1984, Cheri Druschel started helping with the meals and has done most of the cooking ever since. Caring Kitchen serves an average of over 150 plates per week, with a record high of 400 at Thanksgiving time. Caring Kitchen is supported financially and prayerfully by the Costa Mesa Church of Christ and by grateful donors. Our workers are all unpaid volunteers. Caring Kitchen has been serving hot meals every Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:30 PM since 1983. We also make a Bible study and a movie available to guests who are interested.
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