California Food Pantry >> Los Angeles Food Assistance >> Cory's Kitchen (Nueva Esperanza)

  • Name: Cory's Kitchen (Nueva Esperanza)
  • Address: 4810 Huntington Drive S.
  • City: Los Angeles, CA 90032
  • Phone: 323.972.1330
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Cory’s Kitchen, Inc. was formed to meet the needs, both physically and spiritually, of hungry, hurting individuals, first within our fellowship of believers and secondly within our surrounding community. Our purpose is to share our food, our faith, our care, and our compassion with others while they are going through their current situation. We exist to help these wounded people identify the changes needed in their lives to correct their situation and by doing so, to build up the kingdom of God in our community. Nueva Esperanza Church started the Cory's Kitchen food distribution site in El Sereno in January of 2008. The dedicated volunteers there have continued to see growth since their ministry began. They are passionate about serving the people in their community. Distribution Hours: Mondays from 4:30 pm until 6:30 pm

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