Florida Food Pantry/Electric Bill Assistance/Referrals >> Cape Coral Food Assistance >> Cape Coral Caring Center

  • Name: Cape Coral Caring Center
  • Address: 4645 SE 15th Avenue
  • City: Cape Coral, FL 33904
  • Phone: 239.945.1927
  • Website: http://www.capecoralcaringcenter.org/
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: In 1990 the Cape Coral Ministerial Association created the Caring Center as an agency to which people could turn for help during a temporary financial crisis. Since that time, the Caring Center has been recognized as a prominent factor in maintaining an acceptable life-style for our citizens in need. The clients we see just need a lift over the short term and a boost through an uncomfortable period in their life. We help in every way, we can. We are not a sustaining agency. Since our inception, we have helped over 70,000 people in our Cape Coral Community on a short term basis. This places great demand on the services that we provide. We constantly are looking to the community to help support this local effort through fund drives, cash donations, food donations, and volunteers willing to give of their time. We serve as a clearing house for the generosity of our community in providing for those less fortunate, or who have fallen into a temporary economic valley as the result of a crisis situation. Ours is short term relief provided to: Those who will help themselves.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?