Massachusetts Food Pantry/Clothing Closet >> Cambridge Food Assistance >> Cambridgeport Baptist Church - Harvest Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

  • Name: Cambridgeport Baptist Church - Harvest Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
  • Address: 459 Putnam Avenue
  • City: Cambridge, MA 02139
  • Phone: 617.576.6779
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Harvest Food Pantry has been nurturing the physical and spiritual life of the community since 1989. Housed at the Cambridgeport Baptist Church, we serve individuals and families in need of food and clothing. The Harvest is open the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month from 9:00 to 11:00am (closed only for major holidays or severe weather). We distribute free grocery items including: dry goods, canned goods, bread, and fresh produce. Gently used clothing in good condition for minimal cost ($.25 to $1.00 per item; $5.00 limit per session). There are no income restrictions to visit the pantry, but a personal identification card is required at the time of check-in. Customers are welcome to come both Saturdays; please do not arrive before 9 a.m., as a lottery system is used for queuing.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?