Massachusetts Food Banks >> Worcester Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Worcester MA

Rachel's Table
Worcester, MA 01609
Details: Rachel's Table, a recipient of the National Presidential Point of Light Award, the Congressional Victory Against Hunger Award, and a Project Bread Agency Award, is a food rescue program for the hungry of Worcester. Rachel's Table is a volunteer-based group that transports unserved and unsold prepared and perishable foods that otherwise would be wasted. This "excess" food is distributed to 35 shelters, soup kitchens and neighborhood pantries that serve our needy neighbors. Rachel's Table picks up food donations generated by restaurants, markets, bakeries, hotels, hospitals, caterers, and other food institutions. Presently, over 70 volunteers of Rachel's Table are united in a desire to help feed hungry people, and at the same time prevent waste of valuable and nourishing food. Rachel's Table volunteers transport food in their own vehicles. Rachel's Table volunteers will pick up good, unused, nutritious food from businesses and food institutions in Greater Worcester and deliver it to agencies that have feeding programs for hungry people. No money is charged for the food.
Friendly House Inc.
Worcester, MA 01604
Details: Friendly House was funded “for the educational, social and family betterment of residents of the City of Worcester.” Friendly House/Settlement House (multi-service center) works with entire families both nuclear and extended, as an integrating force for the families and the Neighborhood(s) it serves. Friendly House provides a continuum of comprehensive coordinated neighborhood basic services to inner-city families. Food Pantry - Food Distribution is Monday and Wednesday 12:00pm to 4:30pm and Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm. Gluten Free Food is available with one week advance notice and referral from Doctor or Nutritionist. Free Pastry and Bread as available. Thanksgiving Sign up for food basket -October
Wesley United Methodist Church - Carty Cupboard Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01608
Details: Carty Cupboard Food Pantry provides a three-day food supplement for hungry individuals and families who find themselves in need, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religious affiliation or personal circumstance. Cupboard visitors are kept confidential in a computer database, and are allowed to pick up food once each month. Mondays 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Wednesdays 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Fridays 10:00 am – noon. Open to any resident of Worcester County.
Hadwen Park Church Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01603
Jeremiah's Inn Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01603
Details: Jeremiah's food pantry provides emergency assistance to individuals and families in need. Each household may come once a month according to United States Department of Agriculture guidelines for emergency food assistance. Emergency Food Pantry Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am – 2pm, Wednesday - closed. Jeremiah's Inn Emergency Food Pantry provides an emergency supply of food once per month to eligible households that fall within our service area of zip codes 01602, 01603, 01610. To receive food please be sure to bring the following 3 items each and every visit: 1. Identification (ie. Drivers license, MA Health Card, EBT Card, School ID, MA State ID) 2. Proof of residency in our service area (i.e. current utility bill, current rent receipt, current piece of mail, etc.) 3. Jeremiah's Inn Card (please note - new clients will receive this card upon their first visit). Jeremiah's Inn uses the TEFAP income guidelines to determine income eligibility. Clients who are in the low-moderate income level or who receive Medicaid (MA Health), SNAP (formerly food stamps), EAEDC, WIC, Free or reduced School Meals, Summer Feeding Program automatically qualify as TEFAP eligible. Please refer to the for specific and up to date income levels. We ask that pantry clients bring their own bags. We are always in need of bags and accept donations of recycled plastic grocery bags.
AIDS Project Worcester - Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01604
Details: AIDS Project Worcester consumers who are HIV positive are eligible for services provided by the Nutrition Program. APW is now offering nutritional assessments by a registered dietician once a month. The Food Bank is provided to increase nutritional intake and to supplement the diets of consumers on a limited income. Food provided is meant as a supplement to the consumers’ diet, not his or her primary source of nutrition. Food consists of canned goods, USDA products, fresh meats, baked items, fresh produce, etc. Consumers are eligible for the Food Bank three times per month. Food is distributed every Tuesday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Only one consumer in each household is eligible for the Food Bank. (APW reserves the right to ask for proof of residence). Consumers who are in a residential setting where food is provided are not eligible for the Food Bank. Emergency Food boxes are provided to consumers who: Have been released from prison within the past thirty days; Have been released from the hospital within the past two weeks; Have recently lost employment or benefits within the past thirty days; Are new consumers; Have moved into a new apartment within the past two weeks. Food Box Deliveries: Consumers are eligible for food box deliveries if they have ambulatory issues or have been discharged from the hospital within the past thirty days. The consumer’s agency contact will assess whether a client is eligible for delivery. Congregate Meals: Meals are hosted by APW regularly and provide consumers with valuable information on HIV, nutrition, medical adherence and other important topics related to HIV. Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels provide meals at home to consumers who: Have been released from the hospital within thirty days; Can’t or are unable to prepare their own meals; Have other medical conditions that prevent them from preparing meals. Clients should speak to their agency contact for more information. Food Vouchers: APW distributes food vouchers to consumers as a part of our nutrition program. Clients may be eligible if: They are on a special diet. They need to purchase personal items when they are unavailable at the Food Bank; They have an emergency, determined by an assessment with the Agency Contact; The Nutritional Staff determines it would be beneficial due to limited items available in the Food Bank. Nutritional Supplements: The Nutrition Program maintains a limited supply of nutritional supplements for consumers. Consumers must request the supplements from a lead contact who will arrange for them to be put on the supplement list. Consumers are limited to 16 cans per month. The lead contact at APW must follow up with clients to complete paperwork for Allcare within 30 days of initial service.
St. Paul Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01609
Details: The Food Pantry is Open: Tuesdays 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Thursdays 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Saturdays 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The Food Pantry is located on the back of our 19 Chatham Street building (Parish Center) the entrance is facing our Parking Lot. Please bring a photo ID and a piece of mail to verify your address.
Centro Las Americas Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01608
Details: This program provides area residents with emergency food provisions. The goal of this program is to reduce hunger among Worcester families and increase their chances of self-reliance by distributing quality food provisions and making appropriate referrals to other services and programs. Centro Las Americas (CLA) operates the second largest food pantry in Worcester. During the 2009 program year our food pantry served over 17,000 individuals. This represents a 5% increase over the previous year. In addition, there was a 7% increase in the number of families receiving some type of federal assistance. The reality is that the number of families who experience food insecurity is increasing dramatically. CLA's food pantry works in collaboration with the Worcester County Food Bank and other area food pantries to serve this growing need. And while 83% of those served are Latino, we are here to serve all area residents in need. Our professional staff and volunteers will see to it that everyone who comes is served with respect and dignity.
St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Orthodox Food Bank
Worcester, MA 01609
Details: Established by the CEOC. Located at St Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Established for emergency food assistance, the Food Pantry has distributed food for 150-200 families a week. Food Bank Hours are: Every Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm
Pernet Family Health Services - Food and Infant Supplies Pantry
Worcester, MA 01610
Details: Pernet runs an emergency food and infant supply pantry. Residents of Worcester’s 01610 zip code can receive food from the food pantry once a month by showing identification. To obtain baby and infant supplies such as formula, baby food, cereal and diapers, clients must show proof of child (such as a birth certificate or WIC card). Supplies are given out in quantities to last approximately three days. Clients are also encouraged to talk to trained staff and volunteers about long-term hunger solutions such as Food Stamps, WIC, and Serve New England food co-op The Emergency Assistance Program is possible through grants from Project Bread, the United Way of Central Massachusetts, Rachel’s Table and the generous contributions of local groups, individuals, churches and the Worcester County Food Bank. Pantry hours are: Mondays, 1:00 - 3:00 PM; Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11 AM - 3 PM.
Veterans Inc. Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01605
Details: The Veterans Inc. Food Pantry is open the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 10:00am to 2:00pm, located at 69 Grove St, Worcester, MA. New participants to the Veterans Inc. Outreach program should bring a copy of your DD-214 and a picture ID.
Sacred Heart - St. Catherine of Sweden Parish - Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01610
Details: The parish food pantry, located in the rectory, is open on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to1:00 p.m., and by appointment on other days by calling 508-753-2555. In addition to non-perishable foods there is an on-going need for soap, toilet paper, shampoo, dish soap, laundry soap, etc.
Quinsigamond Village Community Center Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01607
Details: We’re open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 am – 2:00 pm, Wednesdays - 10:00am – 2:00pm, Friday 9:30 – 12:00 pm, By appointment – call Joe at (508) 755-7481. Bread and Pastry is available on a daily basis and Emergency Food is available upon request. Come in and visit the QVCC’s Food Pantry and choose from a wide variety of health foods, beans, meats, grains, sweets, and fresh vegetables in season, and more. Most of the food comes from The Government Food Bank in Shrewsbury, MA. Rachel’s Table donates food frequently every month too. Area business’s, schools, churches and the Local 179 have collections for QVCC. Private Donations are always made and are always welcomed.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester - Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
Worcester, MA 01606
Details: The mission of the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry is to extend compassionate help, in the form of food and other related resources, to people in our local area. We are one of the many food pantries supplied by the Worcester County Food Bank. We also accept individual donations. Our clients come from Worcester - primarily the northern section of the city. Although they may be in difficult situations, at our Pantry all people are treated with dignity. We strive to care for each person as an individual. Food is distributed once a month; we also provide food on an emergency basis to those who contact the church directly.
Catholic Charities Worcester County - Worcester
Worcester, MA 01610
Details: Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church and the pastoral leadership of the Bishop of Worcester, Catholic Charities is committed to meeting the needs of the poor, the homeless and the infirm and to enhancing the quality of life for all. Catholic Charities will promote the gift and sacredness of life from the first moment of conception through all stages of human growth and development. It is committed to strengthening families and to serving individuals in need, regardless of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious origins, ability to pay, or mental, physical or developmental challenges. Catholic Charities believes that every person has the right to life, housing, food, shelter, clothing, and health care, and that all should be enabled to participate in the decisions that vitally affect them. While our resources are not unlimited, Catholic Charities will strive to advocate cooperatively with parishes and civic organizations, seeking support from private and public agencies, and encouraging and availing itself of the rich human resource which its volunteers and staff provide – to create a network of care throughout Worcester County in the “…promotion of justice for the poor and of Christ’s kind of love for them.” 1 Second Vatican Council

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Question by User (4 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?