Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Wilmington NC
Good Shepherd Center - Soup Kitchen Wilmington, NC 28401 910.763.4424 |
Details: Good Shepherd Center began as a modest Soup Kitchen in 1983, when a group of downtown residents banded together to serve the homeless a lunch of soup and a sandwich. From this small beginning, the program has grown to include a weekday breakfast and lunch available to anyone in need of food, as well as a dinner meal 7 nights a week for guests of the Night Shelter. Today, the Soup Kitchen feeds as many as 100 hungry men, women and children at breakfast, another 150 at lunch, and another 70 at dinner. All told, we now provide more than 70,000 hot meals to the hungry each year. Lunch is the largest and most substantial meal of the day. Because our low-income and homeless guests typically have compromised health and limited access to healthy foods, we strive to make our offerings as nutritious as possible. Using donated food, our volunteers prepare a meat, starch, cooked vegetables, and fresh salads for each lunchtime meal. Who has access to the Soup Kitchen? Homeless and low-income individuals, as well as working families who, once they have paid for their rent, utilities, and other expenses, have little or nothing left to put food on the table for their children. A number of mothers come to the Soup Kitchen because they are skipping meals at home to make sure that there is enough for the children - getting a substantial meal here helps them through to the next day. |
Cape Fear Christian Church - Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28405 910.399.7131 |
Details: Our bi-monthly Food Pantry happens the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month. Doors open from 10 am-noon. ID required. |
Early Bread Wilmington, NC 28401 910.763.6222 |
Details: Every Sunday morning, the unconditional love of God is shown to the homeless and needy of our community through a hot breakfast hosted by our church. Early Bread is a cooperative effort with Wesley Memorial United Methodist, Grace United Methodist, and several other county churches which send volunteers every Sunday to cook, serve, minister, and clean. Early Bread started in May of 1999, and, since then, has fed more than 25,000 people. We "feed the soul and spirit" of an average of 120-150 people each Sunday. Approximately 90 percent of those served are men; many are veterans. Our van and those of our partner churches, pickup from Good Shepherd, Mercy House, the downtown library, and other locations. |
First Fruit Ministries - Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28412 910.794.9656 |
Details: Food Pantry - a food box program providing fresh groceries and canned goods to low-income households three days per week. |
Holy Grounds Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28412 910.791.1858 |
Details: The Holy Grounds Food Pantry is a non-profit outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel of Wilmington. In partnership with local businesses and churches, we provide an outreached hand to hundred's of local families with love by feeding the PEOPLE of Wilmington, PRAYING for those in need, PROVIDING hope and love to all that come our way and PRAISING God for all the good things He does. We operate out of Calvary Chapel of Wilmington, distributing food on the FIRST and THIRD Saturday of each month. NO appointment needed. There is NO CHARGE to receive food from Holy Grounds. We're located at 2831 Carolina Beach Rd. |
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Wilmington, NC 28401 910.762.2199 |
Details: Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard serves those who are hungry in the Wilmington area through distribution of emergency food. This service is provided by volunteers in partnership with the community, without regard to race or religion and with care to preserve the dignity of the individuals being served. Once a month, any needy individual or family may come to Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard to receive a 3-5 day supply of groceries. People without stoves receive a smaller bag and are served weekly. Those requesting food are asked to show identification and self-declare their need. As an all-volunteer organization, we are grateful for the support of groups and individuals in the community. Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is open to Clients from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., and Sat. each week year around. |
Wrightsboro United Methodist Church - Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28405 910.762.2583 |
Details: Food Pantry: Wednesday 9am, Thursday 5pm |
ROCK Church Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28403 910.602.5300 |
Details: Food Pantry: Thursday’s beginning at 12:00pm at Rock Central at 3233 Burnt Mill Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403. ID required (Located at back entrance). |
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina - Wilmington Branch Wilmington, NC 28401 910.251.1465 |
Details: The Wilmington Branch of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina serves 4 counties in southeastern North Carolina including Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender. In these counties, more than 74,740 people live in food insecure households, almost a third of whom are children. Last year we distributed more than 7.2 million pounds of food to our network of 108 partner agencies in the local community. Our volunteers at the branch served 13,932 hours, the equivalent to nearly 7 full-time employees. For every dollar donated, we can provide 5 meals to the Wilmington community! Get involved today by making a donation, signing up to volunteer, or hosting a food drive! |
Good Samaritan Church Food Pantry Wilmington, NC 28412 910.399.2265 |
Details: Food Pantry: Thursdays 11am-12pm to help those in need. |
St. Mary/Tileston Social Outreach Wilmington, NC 28401 910.762.5491 |
Details: Volunteers provide food, clothing, household articles and financial assistance to those in need, The Office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am to 11:00am. |
UMBC - Abundant Giving Food Ministry Wilmington, NC 28405 910.763.3006 |
Details: The Abundant Giving Food Ministry was birthed on November 21, 2014 here at Union Missionary Baptist Church. Our partnership with the Wilmington Branch of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina allows us to be a direct distribution agency. We have been given he opportunity to make a powerful statement in our community..."WE CARE"! Our program is for EVERYONE. We distribute fresh produce to the community at no cost to those receiving it. We currently provide fresh fruits and vegetables which promote a healthier lifestyle for all God's people on the third Friday of each month from 5:00pm to 7:00pm or while supplies last. Occasionally we provide meats and bakery/bread items. Our goal is to be a help to those in need of food. Our program is not just for the homeless and the jobless. We will supply food for the hard working families that represent the backbone of our community. Many live paycheck to paycheck and they earn just enough NOT to qualify for government food assistance. Thank you to our many volunteers unload, setup and sort the food items, hand out food during the distribution, help participants carry food to their cars, clean-up afterwards and most importantly they smile and have fun. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?