Kansas Food Banks >> Wichita Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Wichita KS

Kansas Food Bank
Wichita, KS 67211

The Kansas Food Bank has the mission of providing hunger-relief whenever and wherever it is needed throughout our 85-county service area. We are committed to safeguarding the health, well-being and productivity of food-insecure Kansas families and their children, as well as senior citizens, the homeless and the chronically ill, and all who live in poverty. We partner with hunger relief agencies across the state: food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters to reach individuals and families who seek food assistance. In addition the Kansas Food Bank runs several programs geared towards reaching children, families and senior citizens who experience food insecurity. Each week we provide a meal to over 137,000 Kansans who rely on our network. The Kansas Food Bank began operations in a rented building in 1984, serving just 16 agencies in a single county. Twenty-nine years later we are serving over 500 hunger-relief partners in 85 counties, with over 11.5 million lbs. of food distributed in the past year. We attribute our on-going growth to several moves intended to increase the number of hungry people we help, the ways in which we help, and the amount of food we distribute.

Our Daily Bread Food Pantry at Catholic Charities
Wichita, KS 67216
Details: Our Daily Bread Food Pantry at Catholic Charities is available to those in need of food. Homeless individuals are referred to services offering prepared meals. Food is provided to households based on the number of people living in the home. Many come for food because of an unforeseen crisis, illness, job loss or accident. Food can be provided once each month for families and individuals. Our Daily Bread Food Pantry offers a “shopping experience”, including volunteer personal shopping assistants, who help visitors choose foods their families will enjoy. Food Pantry Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. – noon, Second and Fourth Saturday of the month 9 a.m. – noon. If you are new to the pantry, or it is your first time in a new year, the following items are requested: Photo identification for the person picking up food; Proof of identification for all other people living in the household (i.e. social security card, birth certificate, medical card, school ID., etc.) NOTE: We do not take copies of any form of identification; Proof of current address; an item mailed to your home within the last 30 days, clearly marked with your name, date and address. NOTE: You will need to provide your photo ID each month you come to pick up food.
United Methodist Open Door, Inc. - Community Food Ministry
Wichita, KS 67214
Details: The Community Food Ministry (CFM) is the largest community–wide food box program in the area providing nutritionally balanced emergency food assistance once per month for individuals and families in need. The food box includes items such as canned fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, macaroni and cheese, soup, and bread. In 2013, the CFM served 26,682 food boxes, representing 19,146 unduplicated individuals. Spanish translation is available along with referrals to other Open Door programs and information regarding other help agencies within the community. Often the question is asked about the difference between the Kansas Food Bank and us. The CFM works very closely with the Kansas Food Bank (KFB). The KFB, one our most valuable partners, is a food warehouse and distributes to food pantries in the state, such as the CFM. The CFM then distributes the foods from KFB, and other sources, directly to individuals and families in need. Approximately 42% of the food the Community Food Ministry distributes comes from our partnership with the Kansas Food Bank, both through their donated and purchased food programs, the rest comes from monetary and direct in-kind food donations. Donations of non-perishable canned goods and hygiene items are welcomed and deeply appreciated. Food Distribution Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 11:45am; 1:00 pm – 3:45 pm
Central Community Church - Hearts and Hands Food Pantry
Wichita, KS 67209
Details: The Hearts and Hands Food Pantry offers food assistance to those in need who are members or regular attenders our church. We supply basic items such as food, personal hygiene products, diapers and formula, and other necessary household items when they are available. The food pantry is stocked by the generous donations of the members of Central Community Church. Who is eligible for assistance? A member/regular attender of Central Community Church; is in good standing with the teaching and leadership of Central Community Church. The person must show a consistent attendance in Sunday morning worship or support groups for a minimum of 3 months. This food pantry is designed to assist with food assistance needs up to the amount of 6 times per a 12 month period.
Episcopal Social Services - Food Ministry
Wichita, KS 67203
Details: Since our inception in 1983, ESS has served a hot lunch to those in need. This program continues today with lunch served by volunteers, Monday - Friday, to individuals and families in our community. Last year, ESS served more than 34,000 hot lunches.
Wichita Dream Center
Wichita, KS 67211
Details: The Wichita Dream Center is bringing hope and the power to dream again for those struggling against the effects of poverty, substance abuse, and neglect. We are a faith-based, social services organization that is building relationships with at-risk children, families, and individuals because we truly care about their future. We purpose to assist these that are hurting by meeting temporary physical needs, and also by sharing mental and spiritual resources that will help to overcome these tough circumstances. The second Saturday of each month, food and clothing are shared with those in need. Other periodic assistance is also given to help stretch the monthly budget of hundreds of families battling poverty. Our partnership with Feed the Children, Kansas Food Bank, and others helps provide help for many whose circumstances have been draining their dreams. Since 2002, the Wichita Dream Center has been fulfilling its mission to bring hope and the power to dream again for those struggling against the effects of poverty, substance abuse, and neglect. We are a faith-based, social services organization that is building relationships with at-risk children, families, and individuals because we truly care about their future. We purpose to assist these that are hurting by meeting temporary physical needs, and also by sharing mental and spiritual resources that will help to overcome these tough circumstances.
Wichita First Church of the Nazarene - Living Water Ministries Center
Wichita, KS 67211
Details: At Living Water Ministries Center, we offer assistance with food for those in need in our community. Additionally, we offer spiritual help, prayer, friendship, and some other forms of limited seasonal assistance. Hours: Wednesday – 12:00 – 3:00pm. Guidelines: Must bring current address verification; Non-perishable items may be picked up once a month; Perishable items available every week on Wednesdays.
Holy Savior Church God's Food Pantry
Wichita, KS 67214
Details: Twice a month, about 600 to 700 people come to God's Food Pantry, where volunteers provide a free box of food to anyone in need. There is no proof of need required. The pantry, a ministry of Holy Savior Catholic Church, provides food boxes on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the St. Peter Claver Campus, 1209 N. Indiana.
College Hill United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Wichita, KS 67214
Details: The CHUM Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; and on the 3rd Saturday of each month, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Participants may receive one sack of non-perishable groceries each month. Our congregation donates non-perishable food items and funds to this ministry.
Bread of Life
Wichita, KS 67216
Details: Established in 1991, Bread of Life gives food and clothing to people in Wichita and the South Central region of Kansas, contributes to relief efforts during and after local disasters and also participates in an annual Thanksgiving food giveaway. Each year, Bread of Life distributes approximately a million pounds of food to more than 58,000 individuals living in Butler, Cowley, Harvey, Kingman, McPherson, Reno, Rice, Sedgwick and Sumner counties. In 2006, Bread of Life obtained its own 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity. Bread of Life, a ministry of Living Word Outreach, has been in operation helping those in need within the community since 1991. Success in our food distribution process has been proven over our 23-year history. Providing food and clothing to those who are in need is only a part of our services. Networking clients to other services within the community and furnishing resource information is all part of our assistance to our clients. With increased operations, we plan to continue such excellence through maintaining our high standards and routine statistical analysis. Bread of Life is unique in that during nationwide and worldwide disasters we provide food and clothing to victims in all parts of the world as our supplies are available. Locally, Bread of life assists those who are affected by disaster. Our desire is to help within the community and be a blessing to those in need. Bread of Life provides avenues for local schools and businesses to give back to their community by volunteering in various ways. Ninety percent of our operating personnel are volunteers. Our holiday giveaway has only been successful due to the volunteers and donations provided by the community.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?