California Food Banks >>
Walnut Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Walnut CA
Cory's Kitchen (Faith Center Ministries) Walnut, CA 91789 909.468.0366 |
Details: Cory’s Kitchen, Inc. was formed to meet the needs, both physically and spiritually, of hungry, hurting individuals, first within our fellowship of believers and secondly within our surrounding community. Our purpose is to share our food, our faith, our care, and our compassion with others while they are going through their current situation. We exist to help these wounded people identify the changes needed in their lives to correct their situation and by doing so, to build up the kingdom of God in our community. Cory's Kitchen is pleased to announce the opening of our newest distribution site in WALNUT. The new site is now serving the Walnut/Pomona area under the capable leadership of Viola Hervey. Viola's sweet spirit and bright smile are a welcome light in the community. All of the volunteers at Faith Center Ministries are very enthusiastic and excited about the ministry and they make it a joy to visit the site. Distribution Hours: Wednesdays 4 p.m - 6 p.m. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?