Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Tracy CA
Valley Community Baptist Church Food Pantry Tracy, CA 95376 209.836.9227 |
Details: The Food Pantry opened on May 16, 2013 and is open to the public from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Last names beginning with letters A through L may come the first and third Thursday, last names beginning with M through Z may come the second and fourth Thursday of the month. When you visit our food pantry, please bring with you a photo ID, proof of residency and proof of income (W-2, pay stub, award letter of SDI, unemployment, or other income). Our Mission: To fight hunger by providing meals on a regular basis to those in need. Our Vision: Through a community food pantry, we will offer those in need additional opportunities to obtain meal, either by coming to the food pantry at times when other food pantries are closed, or by a team of volunteers that will go into the community to deliver meals. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?