California Food Banks >> Temecula Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Temecula CA

Temecula Community Pantry
Temecula, CA 92590
Details: The Temecula-Murrieta Pantry is a non-profit organization located in Temecula since 1986. We provide assistance to the homeless, very-low and low income families in the Temecula Valley, Aguanga and Anza. We welcome all who come to the Pantry regardless of their race, sex, marital status, disability, religion or political affiliation. Clients are asked for contact information and their needs only. We are open January - October, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 am to 12 Noon. November and December we are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 12 Noon. All year long we distribute donated food such as surplus food from markets, restaurants, growers and donated clothing and household items. We also distribute purchased items such as meats, eggs, and dairy products. Anyone in need from our area can come for these items as often as they need to.
Crossroads Church - Circle of Care Food Ministry
Temecula, CA 92591
Details: Circle of Care is a ministry that provides tangible assistance to households in need in our own community. This ministry was created to assist single mothers and struggling families by providing them with groceries. If you live in Temecula or its surrounding neighborhoods and are in a time of need, we are here to serve you. We offer a food pantry at 11am every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month here at our Temecula Campus. (26090 Ynez Road, Suite A, Temecula, CA 92591) Please bring your own bags.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Temecula
Temecula , CA 92592
951 587 6752
Details: We welcome anyone in need of food in the area. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Temecula is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers from St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church and the local community. We provided free food supply to families and individuals suffering from food insecurity. We are volunteers offering person to person service, making you feel welcomed and taking one day a the time to end hunger in Temecula. Thank You for letting us serve you! Food banks and food pantries like St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Temecula organize the collection of food donations and distribution to those in need. Most non-profit hunger relief organizations like St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Temecula rely on volunteers and donations from people with big hearts that don't want anyone in need to go hungry. Visit the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Temecula to donate or volunteer and make your community hunger-free. Hours of Operation Monday: CLOSED Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: CLOSED Thursday: CLOSED Friday: 8:00AM-10:00AM Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: CLOSED

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?