Florida Food Banks >> Tampa Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Tampa FL

Feeding America Tampa Bay
Tampa, FL 33605
Details: Across the country one in six people struggles with hunger that’s 50 million Americans. Of the 509,000 people in West Central Florida who are unsure where their next meal will come from, Feeding America Tampa Bay provided food last year to more than 400,000 people. Our 10 county service area in West Central Florida includes Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk, Pasco, Hernado, Citrus, Sumter, Highlands, Hardee and Manatee counties. As a food bank, Feeding America Tampa Bay is a resource to 600 approved charities that run some type of feeding program. These include soup kitchens, food pantries, emergency shelters, and Kids Cafe sites. This agency partner network is a very efficient way to get food to those in need according to need, and it is our primary means of distributing food.
Islamic Society of Tampa Bay Area - Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33610
Details: Established in the year 2000, the Food Pantry serves Muslim and non-Muslim community members in need of food. All food is donated by community members like you. The Food Pantry is open to the community Saturdays 2:30-4:30pm.
NBCC Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33611
Details: NBCC’s food pantry distributes food every Tuesday from 9 - 10 a.m. to those less fortunate. In these tough times, the response continues to grow. Weekly, we need to replenish the pantry; therefore, we are in continual need of canned goods and non-perishable foods.
Kaye Prox Food Bank
Tampa, FL 33615
Details: The Kaye Prox Food Bank began with the efforts of Kaye Prox, a member of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour in Town ‘n Country in Tampa, Florida. She started this ministry in the 1970's and worked tirelessly until her death in 2002. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, the food bank serves individuals and families in need from Town ‘n Country, Westchase, Citrus Park, and Northdale and also provides support for the area’s homeless. The food bank is an ecumenical organization. The actual food pantry is located in the Lutheran Church of our Saviour in Town ‘n Country but the organization functions with the full partnership of Incarnation Catholic Church, First Reformed Church of Tampa, Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Wellspring United Methodist Church and Westtown Presbyterian Church, and with involvement of other local churches and volunteers from the community. The Kaye Prox Food Bank is a small organization that is having a big impact. In 2013, the food bank served an average of nearly 290 people each week, along with the area’s 30-40 homeless. All this for less than $2.85 per visit per person.
The Salvation Army of Tampa/Hillsborough County
Tampa, FL 33602
Details: Working-poor families having a tough time making ends meet can visit The Salvation Army's Family Services food pantry for a free box of nutritious groceries to prepare at home - so they don't have to make that hard choice.
Tampa Jewish Family Services - Citrus Park/Food Bank
Tampa, FL 33625
Details: Tampa Jewish Family Services embodies the time-honored tradition of community, of people helping and caring for one another. TJFS is a non-profit human service agency for people of all ages and all walks of life, regardless of race or religion. TJFS offers the community a vast array of services and programs that span across all segments of our lives, from counseling and programs for children to senior adult services that include counseling, Jewish connections and holiday food delivery. From one generation to the next, our obligation is to feed the hungry, guide those in trouble and improve lives. The Community Food Bank offers food to individuals and families once a month at each of its two locations. Emergency Food Bags are available Monday – Friday. Appointments are required for both types of food distribution. Call 813-960-1848 to make an appointment. Tampa Jewish Family Services never turns anyone away. In a given year, Tampa Jewish Family Services’ Community Food Bank packs nearly 5,500 bags of food and strives to provide a well-balanced supplement to more than 450 households throughout Hillsborough County each month. The Food Bank primarily operates through the efforts of faithful hardworking volunteers. It is the mission of the Food Bank to help meet the nutritional and social needs of the hungry in the Tampa Bay community. Tampa Jewish Family Services operates its Community Food Bank at two locations. The main location is at the agency’s headquarters in Citrus Park, and a satellite location in Brandon serves Eastern Hillsborough County. Citrus Park Food Bank Distribution Dates: First Tuesday Each Month 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 4:30 – 6 p.m.
Trinity Cafe
Tampa, FL 33602
Details: Trinity Cafe has been a beacon of hope and compassion in the Tampa Bay community since 2001. Trinity Cafe serves more than 260 hot, nutritious meals each and every day, including holidays. Anyone who comes to our door is welcome – without question or qualification. Since Trinity Cafe first began, it has served more than 892,000 meals. Nutritious meals are served to homeless, hungry, and working poor. The meals are prepared by a professional chef and served by volunteer servers. The guests sit at cloth covered tables set with china dishes and silverware. They are asked for nothing in return – no mandatory religious services or counseling or work.
Northgate Baptist Church - Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33612
Details: Our "Food Pantry" is open to the community to those in need of groceries and clothing on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9am-11am.
The Faith Church - Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33619
Details: Pantry’s mission is to increase access to food for people in their time of need.
Mission Tampa, Inc. - Cook's Hat Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33604
Details: Our food pantry ministers to the physical, as well as spiritual needs of the impoverished in our community. We provide families with a 2 - 3 day supply of food, based on the size of their household. While their food is being assembled, counselors interact one-on-one with the guest and share the gospel with them, as well as intercede for them on behalf of their needs. Hours of Operation: Mondays - 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., Thursdays - 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Most Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church - Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33612
Details: Through the generosity of the Federal USDA, local businesses, gracious parishioners and dedicated volunteers, Most Holy Redeemer’s food pantry ministry has been providing physical and spiritual food to the hungry and homeless for nearly thirty years. This essential ministry has received recognition within the Tampa Bay community and the Diocese of St. Petersburg and always has need of cash donations from local community sources as well as volunteers on Tuesday mornings to carry on this caring work. The Food Pantry supplies food to those in need each Tuesday 10am-12noon.
Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa - FOOD PANTRY
Tampa, FL 33603
Details: The mission of the food pantry is to feed the homeless and less fortunate within our church and larger community on an emergency basis and to direct individuals and families to other community services and agencies for more long term needs. The pantry is stocked out of the generosity of the congregants and relies on no outside or government grants. Tasks of ministry members include taking inventory and organizing and stocking the pantry in a way that makes for easy retrieval of the variety of food and personal care items.
Forest Hills UMC - Shepherd's Way Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33612
Details: The Shepherd’s Way Food Pantry is part of a Federal program, established in 1981, that provides commodities at no cost to low-income families. Each state sets the criteria for determining eligibility to receive food. Shepherd’s Way Food Pantry is open every other Tuesday 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. In addition, every Tuesday afternoon between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. we host a farmers market in the back parking lot. Shepherds Way Food Pantry Registration is easy. You may qualify by meeting the income guidelines, or by participating in other Federal programs such as Food Stamps, SSI, Medicaid, and others. Participants must live in Hillsborough County. Food, donated by the grocery industry, is purchased from America’s Second Harvest to supplement the federal program. Our site is inspected regularly by the USDA to insure proper storage and handling. In 2012 over 45,000 individuals were served in 11,400 households. In August school supplies were distributed. Thanksgiving and Christmas distributions included turkeys or hams for every family. On December 18, 2012 we distributed 20,000 pounds of food for Christmas. Toys were also distributed at Christmas.
University Baptist Church - Food Pantry
Tampa, FL 33612
Details: The University Baptist Church and Feeding America, a non-profit food bank, have partnered to provide food for families who find themselves with an empty pantry. This ministry is without charge to those in need. This service is open to the public ONLY on the last Thursday of each month, 6:00-7:00 P.M.
Amazing Love Ministries, Inc.
Tampa, FL 33605
Details: Amazing Love Ministries, Inc. was founded by Barbara and Jim Killeen in March, 2005. It has grown from feeding 20 homeless people in downtown Tampa to feeding 150-200 people.We serve every Monday evening at 7:00 PM at 2801 North 17th Street, in Ybor City. The feeding is served and supported by volunteers from many churches in the Tampa Bay area. Besides a hot meal and drinks, people are also given a bag lunch to take with them. The ministry provides many of the items that people need to live on the street: clothing, backpacks, shoes, blankets, toiletries, etc. The main purpose of the ministry is to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost and hurting. There is praise and worship and a message given each week after the meal by different volunteers. The ministry has a vision for a future drop-in center near downtown where people can take showers, do laundry, store belongings, and receive other services. Everyone who desires to serve the Lord by serving our brothers and sisters on the street is invited to join us any time.
Rock Church of Tampa Bay
Tampa, FL 33626

A Can, Can Make A Difference Food Pantry is available for anyone in the community who is hungry and has a need for food.

If you need assistance please call to schedule an appointment.

Please bring a picture ID and proof of current address when you come

Eternal Life Ministries International
Tampa, FL 33609

We are open to any and everyone who needs food and clothing. We offer food and clothing to our local community. We are open three days a week

Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. 

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?