California Food Banks >> Stockton Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Stockton CA

Emergency Food Bank and Family Services
Stockton, CA 95203
Details: The Emergency Food Bank, founded in 1968, is the largest direct provider of packaged emergency food in San Joaquin County. Over one thousand people a day are served healthy food from Emergency Food Bank services. Almost six million pounds of food is distributed each year from our main location and 13 pantries in Stockton and San Joaquin County. That equates to almost 200 fully loaded 54’ semi-trailer loads, feeding over one hundred thousand men, women, and children nutritious food each year, without charge. The Food Bank provides food service to 13 satellite pantries throughout the County, over thirty non-profit agencies, treatment centers and to scores of public events related to healthy living and nutrition. We emphasize health, nutrition, food economics and education. All food bags are packaged with an eye to balanced nutrition. The Food Bank provides classes in general nutrition education, healthy meal planning and food preparation. The Food Bank also provides a service to grocery stores, food processors, farmers and reclamation distribution centers by taking excess or usable foods that would otherwise be thrown away. Additionally, the Food Bank teaches basic job skills and provides training in data entry, clerical office skills, warehouse operation and truck operation. Food Pantry Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Pacific Food Pantry
Stockton, CA 95211
Details: The Pacific Food Pantry is an on-campus resource for students, staff and faculty who are facing a food scarcity situation. The pantry is open 8am-6pm Monday through Friday in the Cowell Wellness Center. A Paciifc ID must be shown to access the pantry, but the service is completely confidential. Two bags of groceries and supplies may be taken per week. To make donations please contact Pacific Health Services at 209.946.2315 and speak with either Alexandra Caspero or Ranai Koch to arrange for pick-up or bring donations to the Cowell Wellness Center during the hours the pantry is open. If you work on campus, simply leave a bag or box labeled "Food Pantry" and the mailroom will deliver it for you!
Alpha Omega Ministries - Jireh "Pantry Ministry"
Stockton, CA 95202
Details: Our Jireh Ministry receives food donations from "Second Harvest" and you. Food is donated to needy families every Sunday by appointment only.
Bread of Life
Stockton, CA 95204
Details: Bread of Life, a ministry of LifeSong, provides supplemental groceries to the needy families of the greater Stockton community. Bread of Life distributes groceries to thousands of needy families in Stockton and the surrounding area. LifeSong partners with other community-based organizations to bring the food to one central location and distribute the food on the 3rd Saturday of each month. In addition, on the 2nd Saturday of each month, we go into needy areas of our community and take food to those who can't come to us.
Good Samaritan Training Center - Food Center
Stockton, CA 95205
Details: The Good Samaritan Training Center realizes that you can’t share the love of God with someone who is hungry or inadequately clothed. So the first service that was offered was food and clothing for the needy. Many local organizations have joined with us to provide a nutritionally balanced box of food that includes frozen meats, cereal, bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, and dried, packaged and canned foods, Our food boxes average 35 pounds per household which means we distribute 4,000 – 8,000 lbs. of food each week. The Center has fed over 4 million meals to the poor and needy in our community since opening in 1992. The local organizations that have partnered with us include the United Way of San Joaquin County, KYCC radio (90.1 FM – Your Christian Companion), and the Emergency Food Bank. We also receive assistance from canned food drives from schools, businesses and organizations and cash donations allow us to purchase food from the Second Harvest Food Bank in Manteca for pennies on the dollar. In addition, we now offer nutrition information brochures to each food box recipient to provide guidance for special health needs such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. This information helps our clients to educate themselves on how to control their health issues. Topics include information about eating from healthy food groups; reading and understanding food labels; and different forms of exercise. Our Food Center is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?