Missouri Food Banks >> Springfield Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Springfield MO

Ozarks Food Harvest
Springfield, MO 65803
Details: Ozarks Food Harvest is the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri, serving 250 hunger relief organizations across 28 Ozarks counties. The Food Bank reaches approximately 80,000 individuals monthly and distributes 12 million pounds of food annually. OFH was named the 2011 Small Business of the Year by the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, and it’s facility, the O’Reilly Center for Hunger Relief, recently received AIB International food safety certification. Founded in 1983, Ozarks Food Harvest has a stated mission of Transforming Hunger into Hope. The simple statement serves as a visionary and meaningful summary of Ozarks Food Harvest’s goals, while expressing exactly what it is The Food Bank does. In addition to food distribution and services to 250 Ozarks nonprofits, OFH has direct service programs including the Weekend Backpack Program, Kids Cafe, and the Mobile Food Pantry.
The Salvation Army Springfield - Emergency Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65802
Details: Our Emergency Food Pantry, also located at 1707 West Chestnut Expressway, operates every Wednesday from 9:30a.m. to 11:30p.m. and 1:00p.m. to 2:30p.m.
MSU Student Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65804
Details: The Food Pantry for Missouri State University Students is for any student facing food insecurity. This may be students going hungry, not able to make ends meet, facing a delay in Financial Aid or other assistance, or any other reason. Mondays & Wednesdays : 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Available when Missouri State University is in session.
Well Of Life Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65806
Details: Inspired by the gospel, Well Of Life leads individuals to grow spiritually by ministering to those in need and those who are suffering. We collaborate with others to witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice, making no distinction in those served, because in them we see the face of Christ! Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. From 10am until 2pm. We serve those in the 65806 zip code area up to 6 times a year, those outside the area, one time, and Missouri State University students.
C-Street Connect at Crimson House
Springfield, MO 65803
Details: C-Street Connect at Crimson House is a community food pantry serving USDA food and non-USDA food to income qualified residents of Greene County only. It is a member agency of Ozarks Food Harvest, the Feeding America food bank in southwest Missouri. Our doors are open every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 1:00-5:00PM. USDA food may only be received once a month, so you may choose whichever Tuesday is most convenient for you. Appointments are not necessary. If you’re coming to C-Street Connect for the first time, please bring the following documentation to receive non-USDA food: Photo identification; Social Security cards for yourself and every member of your household; Proof of residency (preferably a piece of mail sent to your current address, postmarked within the last 30 days); Proof of income (if applicable). Unless otherwise requested by C-Street Connect staff, returning clients only need to bring a photo ID and a proof of residency to receive food.
Central Assembly Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65802
Details: Once a month volunteers fill Central Assembly’s foyer with canned goods and other non-perishable groceries. Kids play and color at a station designed for them while their parents sit nearby and talk with people from the church. Volunteers offer to carry the free groceries out to people’s cars.
Springfield, MO 65802
Details: Crosslines provides support to families in crisis in Greene County. We are committed to addressing the immediate hunger needs of families, seniors, and children in an environment that fosters community, dignity, and compassion. Serving more than 56,000 people in 2015, Crosslines needs financial support year round for not only regular food pantry operations, but mobile food distributions and the Holiday Center as well. We leverage food costs from community partners to maximize the number of meals we can provide to families. We are able to provide an average of 1,633 meals per days we are open. We welcome in-kind donations of shelf stable foods, and we can even help you arrange a food drive! Crosslines features a client choice model different from other food pantries. Each client is partnered with a volunteer to take them through our grocery store style pantry. Clients can select items that better fit their family’s tastes and dietary restrictions. Thanks to a supportive community, we are able to serve hungry families and provide hope to our neighbors!
Hand Extended Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65803
Details: Dayspring operates a food pantry that offers free food baskets to needy families and individuals in northern Springfield. We seek to minister to the whole individual, giving those who come in encouragement and support, pray for their needs, as well as supply them with groceries and other household items to help them in their time of need. When someone comes in for food, our ministry team prays for them, sharing the gospel, giving words of encouragement, and helping them see God’s plan for their lives. Every month we see healings, salvations, and many answers to prayers – everything from restored relationships to new jobs. Food Pantry Hours: Thursday 9am to 3pm (the workers take a one-hour lunch break around noon).
Victory Mission Food Pantry
Springfield, MO 65803
Details: Our Food Pantry serves familes in Ozarks seeking an emergency food supply as well as offering access to Clothing and Furniture vouchers. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (10am-12pm & 1-3pm), Wednesday (10am-12pm)

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?