California Food Banks >> Santa Rosa Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Santa Rosa CA

Redwood Empire Food Bank
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Details: Since 1987, the Redwood Empire Food Bank's service has grown to meet the rising need for food assistance and expanded to focus on providing as much healthy food as possible and including nutrition education as an integral part of many of our programs. We currently assist over 78,000 Sonoma County residents every month. We provide food through our own three Hunger Relief Initiatives that focus on the unmet needs of low-income children, seniors, and working families. We also are a primary source of food for 175 community based charitable organizations that operate over 250 human service programs helping the needy, disabled and homeless in Sonoma County.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Sonoma County - Free Dining Room
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Details: Opened in 1984, the Free Dining Room is one of the oldest and largest facilities in Santa Rosa to serve hot meals to the hungry, seven days per week, 365 days per year. Each year, volunteers serve more than 90,000 nourishing meals to the homeless and low-income people of Sonoma County. The Free Dining Room relies on the support of many people from varied backgrounds who volunteer in excess of 10,000 hours of time each year. Also many grocery/specialty stores, restaurants, the Redwood Empire Food Bank, and other suppliers generously donate over $700,000 of food per year, helping to keep our program cost-effective. Caring volunteers in our free Dining Room prepare and serve a hot, nutritious lunch from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm every day, 365 days a year.
Gateway City Church
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
707 576-0747
Details: We give out food on the 4th Thursday of each month from noon until 2:00. We give out produce, bread and bags of groceries.
Redwood Covenant Church - Open Closet
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Details: Open Closet is a ministry that was founded years ago by RCC to provide food and clothing to the people of Sonoma County. Our mission is to provide tangible assistance to those who are struggling economically and improve the well being, both physical and spiritual, of the people we serve through this ministry. Distribution Day takes place on the second Saturday of each month, starting at 8:00 a.m.
Knox Presbyterian Church - Knox Food Pantry
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Details: Our weekly Food Pantry was launched in December 2005 and at that time we served on average 50 household a week. The need has grown immensely and now we serves on average 200 households every week. We are grateful that Resurrection Parish has partnered with us to meet the hunger needs of our neighbors. The Food Pantry is open on Thursdays from 3 PM until 4 PM. Staples and fresh produce are acquired from the Redwood Empire Food Bank. Volunteers from both churches and volunteers among those who receive the food, arrive at 1:30 p.m. to pack up papers bags with staples and plastic bags with fresh produce.
Hope Chapel Santa Rosa - Family Food Pantry (FFP)
Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Details: Our Family Food Pantry (FFP) is a ministry dedicated to serving the needs of Hope Chapel members, attendees, guests and Rincon Valley residents who are in immediate need of groceries on a temporary basis. Church family members involved with FFP will endeavor to utilize the ministry as a means of discipleship. We will encourage those that are recipients of FFP groceries to attend one of our worship services so that we can help nourish both their soul and their physical body.
F.I.S.H. Food Pantry
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Details: F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service Here) is a group of volunteers who operate a food pantry where people can receive free food. Started in 1973, F.I.S.H. has grown to become the largest food pantry in the Redwood Empire. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE GROCERIES? Any family or individual who calls F.I.S.H. and can pick up the same day will receive an emergency supply of groceries. F.I.S.H. does not have geographical or financial prerequisites for families who request food aid. All who ask will receive. HOW DO YOU RECEIVE GROCERIES? Call F.I.S.H. at 707-527-5151 during our hours of operation. You must call before you will receive food. The phone is busiest in the morning. Keep trying or wait until about noon to call. HOURS: F.I.S.H. is open Mondays-Fridays from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. We are closed on major holidays. WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU: A photo ID and a bag for extra food. We also welcome donations of paper grocery bags. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU COME? Once a month. WHAT YOU'LL BE GIVEN: We give up to three days' supply of well-balanced food. The amount of food given depends on the number of people in the household. We give one basic bag containing fruits, vegetables, beans and grains (cereal, pasta, bread) plus optional items including rice, peanut butter and meat (or vegetarian items). Sometimes we will have available extra items donated to us for distribution. A grocery cart or roller bag can be helpful, especially if you are walking or using public transportation.
Church of the Incarnation - Open Table
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Details: Open Table is a welcoming ministry that opens Incarnation’s doors to 75-125 individuals from the neighboring street community, providing breakfast and a safe respite from the elements every Sunday morning between 6:30am and 8:00am. We serve hot coffee, fruit juice, milk, cereal and oatmeal, boiled eggs, beans and rice and other hot casserole-type dishes, and sandwiches. We also provide sandwiches and fruit our guests can take away for their lunch.
Elisha's Pantry at Christ Church United Methodist
Santa Rosa , CA 95405
Details: Christ Church United Methodist, in a partnership with Bethlehem Lutheran Church and Shomrei Torah, distributes food to residents in need in Rincon and Bennett Valleys every Thursday at 4PM right here from Elisha's Pantry. The Pantry served approximately 275 households per month in 2010. Elisha's Pantry received 42,723 pounds of food, including 13,931 pounds of fresh produce for distribution in the 2009-2010 fiscal year from Redwood Empire Food Bank. The fees paid by CCUM and others help the REFB provide food to a network of 147 non-profit and faith-based organizations in Sonoma County.
Calvary Chapel the Rock Food Ministry
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Details: Tuesdays 7:00 AM @ Calvary The Rock. We have a wonderful group of men and women who get together and make food boxes for families in our fellowship. If you are interested in helping out, or would like to receive meals, please email us.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?