California Food Banks >> Santa Ana Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Santa Ana CA

Serve the People, Inc. - Food Pantry
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Details: Our free food pantry opened in early 2008. It operates every first and third Saturday of each month. We provide a free grocery bag of food along with fresh vegetables and fruits (when available) to each household. We require one form of identification for any address being registered. We also provide free articles of clothing, shoes, baby food, diapers, feminine hygiene products, educational supplies, toiletries and other household products, all subject to availability. Hours of distribution: 6:00AM to 9:00AM
VNCOC - Food Commodities
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Details: Every second Friday of each month, the VNCOC provides free canned food, juices, milk, meat, rice, and vegetables, etc. to low-income residents.
St. Joseph Church - Loaves and Fishes/Panes y Peces
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Details: Almost every Saturday for the past 27 years, the ancient miracle of the “multiplication of the loaves and fishes” is being re-enacted right here at St. Joseph parish! Though Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen was originally begun in 1986 by a handful of St. Joseph parishioners, today volunteers from throughout Orange County make the kitchen hum and bubble as they serve delicious meals and a healthy dose of friendship to as many as 800-900 homeless or needy men, women and children. Over the years L&F has grown from a humble soup kitchen to a sort of multi-faceted community center, offering everything from medical care, bags of groceries, haircuts, children’s crafts and activities, and English classes – all at no charge to our “guests.” Our motto “a guest comes, Christ comes” sets the bar high for hospitality, as we strive to recognize him in the “least of our brothers and sisters.”

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?