California Food Banks >> San Marcos Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in San Marcos CA

North County's Food Bank
San Marcos, CA 92069
Details: This past year, North County's Food Bank worked with 112 Community Partner Agencies to distribute well over 1.94 million pounds of food. Food donated from grocers, farmers, and wholesalers, and through food drives conducted by schools, businesses, and churches provided over 1.5 million meals to over 243,338 individuals last year. Hunger has touched thousands of families impacted by job losses as a result of the economic downturn which began in 2008. Over the past 5-years, demand has remained at an all-time high for North County's Food Bank. With grant funding from the United States Department of Agriculture, NCCS conducted research on food insecurity in the region and created a plan for a Hunger Free North County.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?