Arkansas Food Banks >> Rogers Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Rogers AR

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Rogers, AR 72758
Details: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry opened in December 2004, has grown rapidly, and is now providing food to many hundreds of families per month. The food pantry is our attempt to answer Jesus’ call to feed the hungry. We meet Him in the poor whom we serve. There is a great need in the community and in our own parish for emergency food assistance. Many families have difficulty meeting their basic needs. In the past our parish operated a small pantry by appointment only. Many people would come to the parish office regularly asking for assistance. There was a clear need for a larger food pantry with regular hours of operation. Food, paper goods, and diapers are obtained from monthly Sharing Sunday collections, donations from individuals and vendors, Walmart Neighborhood Market, the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank, the United Way Gift In Kind Warehouse. We have recently begun receiving food from the USDA Commodities Program. Food is provided to families in need in Benton County without regard for race, religion, or national origin. Families are asked to provide identification and proof of residence in Benton County. Basic information including names, addresses, and number of persons in the household is collected. Families may return monthly if needed.
First Christian Church G.R.U.B. Food Pantry
Rogers, AR 72758
Details: GRUB is open every Tuesday from 9 a.m. - noon (for weather cancellations, we follow suit with the Rogers Public Schools closings). We typically serve 55-80 families every week. GRUB is operated on monetary donations from the church budget and individuals in the congregation. It is run completely by volunteers with great hearts for love and service.
Rogers Christian Church Food Pantry
Rogers, AR 72758
Details: The food pantry at Rogers Christian church is a mission of the Women’s Ministry. Needy people may request groceries at the office during regular business hours. The pantry is supplied by your donations.
Peace Lutheran Church Ministry with the Hungry
Rogers, AR 72756
Details: Our Food Pantry feeds approximately 17,000 men, women and children yearly.
Care Community Center - The Root Cellar Food Pantry
Rogers, AR 72757
Details: The Root Cellar will serve those in need of food assistance and nutrition education. The goal of this program is to provide emergency food assistance to neighbors facing food insecurity as a barrier to self sufficiency. As part of this effort we will provide our neighbors the opportunity to participate in Nutrition Education workshops that teach cooking skills, meal planning, as well as how to shop and prepare healthy meals on a budget. The Root Cellar will provide our neighbors with 3 meals for 3 days based on household size and product availability. Neighbors may access the pantry once every 30 days. The Root Cellar is open every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 9:00am - 12:00pm on a walk-in basis. Neighbors will be asked to show proof of residency and fill out a Mentor Assessment in English or Spanish.
Samaritan Community Center - Samaritan Café (Rogers)
Rogers, AR 72756
Details: If you're looking for a soup kitchen that provides watery soup and stale bread you won't find it here. Each of our Samaritan Cafés are open to the general public and serve hot meals in a restaurant-style setting - meaning our clients are seated at tables and served their meals by happy, smiling volunteers who often take time to sit and visit with familiar faces. And while we might serve a hot, delicious soup from time to time, it will always be accompanied by generous portions of other items, such as baked chicken breasts, salad, rolls and cake or pastries for dessert. The delicious meals we serve are prepared on-site in our health-department certified café kitchens, utilizing food generously donated each week from eight Northwest Arkansas-area restaurants - Olive Garden, Noodles Italian Kitchen, Atlanta Bread Company, Mimi's Cafe, Panera Bread and Red Lobster. Old Tyme Donuts and Daylight Donuts in Lowell also provide a weekly donation of pastries to help satisfy our clients' sweet tooth! ROGERS CAFE' HOURS: 10:30 am-12:30 pm TU, W, TH, SA

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?