California Food Banks >>
Rancho Cucamonga Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Rancho Cucamonga CA
GAP Food Bank Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909.945.1020 |
Details: The GAP {God Always Provides} Food Bank started out in the early 1990’s as one man’s vision of helping the working poor, single mothers, recovering addicts, seniors on a fixed income, and under-privileged who are struggling to make ends meet. The philosophy of the GAP is simple, to assist families each week by providing many basic food items. By providing food, the families are now better able to apply their limited financial resources to housing expenses and other necessities. The GAP started by distributing food out of a garage to families in the community. Almost 20 years later, the GAP is located in a 4500 sq. ft. warehouse in Rancho Cucamonga, equipped with a truck for large donation pick ups, a forklift, and walk-in freezer and refrigerator. The GAP Food Bank provides basic food items to approximately 450 families consisting of over 1500 individuals in the community per week. The GAP also supplies food to other local food banks and churches that are assisting needy families in the community as well. The average value of the food that is given to each family is between $75 and $100 per week, which amounts to over $2 million in food provided to the community per year. Approximately 65 volunteers each week help to provide food to the community. The GAP’s corporate food suppliers include Vons Grocery Store, Frito-Lay, Pepsi Company, Feed the Children, Traditional Baking, Inc., Sara Lee, Albertsons Grocery Store, Cerenzia Foods, Oscar Meyer, Nestle, Dreyers Grand, Baskin Robbins, Zacky Farms, and Starbucks. The goal of the GAP Food Bank is to provide food to the needy families in our community. Our immediate goal is to increase the number of families fed to 500 or more by continuing to feed the families at our facility as well as expanding the amount of food provided to other food banks, senior centers and churches. Without additional funding, we will be unable to purchase the food needed to meet this goal. The GAP's primary source of revenue is free-will donations from local churches, businesses and individuals. |
Neighborhood Vineyard Church - Food Pantry Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909.646.8860 |
Details: The Neighborhood Food Pantry assists families in our community by providing food once a month. We believe this practice of helping others is directly in line with the Purpose and Values of the Neighborhood Vineyard Church. We hold the pantry from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm on the third Sunday of each month and provide food for anyone in need. The Food Pantry takes place at the Neighborhood Vineyard Church office: 8351 Rochester Ave., Suite 101, Rancho Cucamonga |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?