Nebraska Food Banks >>
Omaha Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Omaha NE
Food Bank for the Heartland Omaha, NE 68127 402.331.1213 |
Details: Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, Food Bank for the Heartland is a nonprofit organization that distributes food to 285 food pantries, emergency shelters and other nonprofit partners. We are the largest food bank in Nebraska and Iowa, encompassing 93 counties in the two-state region. Fighting hunger is an ongoing, collaborative effort. We work with individuals, organizations, food manufacturers, food distributors, grocery stores, the USDA and Feeding America to procure food and household products. The Food Bank also purchases food to supplement donations. |
Project Hope Inc. Omaha, NE 68104 402.453.7649 |
Details: Project Hope is a member of the Omaha Food Pantry Association. The Association consists of thirteen pantries in the Omaha Metropolitan Area. As an emergency food pantry, we can help clients once every thirty days, up to six times a year. Please bring the following items with you each time you come to Project Hope: Photo ID for Head of Household; Social Security Cards for Every Household Member; Piece of Mail with Current Address |
LIFEHouse Partnership Omaha, NE 68144 402.557.8205 |
Details: LIFEHOUSE PARTNERSHIP is a Christian non-profit organization started by two local partner churches: Prairie Lane Church and Westwood Church. We demonstrate the love of Jesus by helping with the physical and spiritual needs of our neighbors in Omaha. We are typically open on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6pm – 8pm, and also the 4th Saturday of the month from 10am – noon. |
Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68131 402.341.7761 |
Details: Over the past two decades, the Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church Food Pantry has grown into a guest-choice pantry, where more than 70 volunteers serve approximately 1,766 guests per month. Over 40% of our guests are children. The Pantry’s mission is simple: feed anyone who comes through the door. The gracious and generous donations by the Kountze congregation whether it be time, talent, or treasure continues to bless our hungry neighbors in need. Here, all welcome. Come and be filled. Hours of Operation: Mondays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. |
First Lutheran Church Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68105 402.345.7506 |
Details: Is it time for you to clean out your cupboards? Are you looking for a wonderful volunteer opportunity to give back to the community? Please consider helping in our Food Pantry. We strive to provide food for anyone who walks through our doors where they are welcomed with a smile and treated with dignity and respect. We are going to have a fresh new pantry! The Choice Pantry provides community members with access to healthy and nutritious foods. Our system emphasizes both choice and a balanced diet. People “shop†through their food selection process much like they would in a grocery store, rather than receiving prepackaged bags. The Food Pantry is open from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (closed the first full week of the month for restocking) and feeds an average of about 40 hungry people each weekday the year round. Lately, we have been serving 85 to 90 people per day! |
Dean Fricke Memorial Episcopal Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68102 402.342.7010 |
Details: The Dean Fricke Memorial Episcopal Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) organization and is staffed by 30-35 volunteers from the Episcopal churches in the Omaha area, under the direction of a board of directors. The board consists of one or two representatives from those churches, plus up to two at-large members. Board members from churches are appointed by the rectors of the churches, while at-large members are appointed by the board. The pantry is a unique ministry that reaches from church to church, bringing together Episcopalians from across the metro area. The churches represented are All Saints, Church of the Holy Spirit, Church of the Resurrection, St. Andrews, St. Augustine’s, St. Martha’s, St. Martin of Tours and Trinity Cathedral. |
Heart Ministry Center Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68110 402.451.2321 |
Details: The Heart Ministry Center offers a “choice†food pantry. Pantry clients can choose from a variety of bread, meat, produce, and canned or boxed items. Clients can also shop for 15 minutes in our free clothing closet and can select all of the clothing items their families need. Clients are able to use the pantry and closet once every 30 days. Wednesdays and Fridays 10am to 1pm, Thursdays – SENIORS ONLY (60+) 10am to 1pm |
Juan Diego Center Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68107 402.731.5413 |
Details: Catholic Charities provides hope and help for families and individuals faced with hunger in our community. Emergency food pantries are located at Catholic Charities neighborhood centers in north Omaha and south Omaha, providing low-income families meat, canned and packaged food, bread and when available, fresh produce. Juan Diego Center Food Pantry Hours: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 9:30-11:30 am, Wednesday: 4-6pm |
St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68110 402.453.6363 |
Details: Catholic Charities provides hope and help for families and individuals faced with hunger in our community. Emergency food pantries are located at Catholic Charities neighborhood centers in north Omaha and south Omaha, providing low-income families meat, canned and packaged food, bread and when available, fresh produce. St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry Hours: Monday 9am-1pm, Tuesday 12:30pm-4:30pm, Friday 9am-1pm |
Together Inc. Choice Pantry Omaha, NE 68108 402.345.8047 |
Details: We can help you with your grocery bill so it’s easier to pay your other bills. A pantry box usually makes 20-30 plates of food. We include breakfast, meat, fruits and vegetables and more. Selection varies. You can visit the Pantry once every 30 days. Pantry Hours: Mon - Thurs: 10:00am - 3:30pm, Fri: 10:00am - 2:00pm |
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68106 402.556.7030 |
Details: The Heartland may be known as the nation’s breadbasket, but not everyone shares in its abundance. Low wages, part-time employment and rising prices are creating a new class of poor in our communities. 11% of Nebraskans live at or below national poverty standards. 16% of households in Nebraska have low food security (having access to enough food for all household members, at all times, to lead an active, healthy life, or uncertainty around having or obtaining enough food to meet the needs of all members due to insufficient resources). Hunger in our community greatly affects the most vulnerable members of our societyâ€our children. 42% of the families in Nebraska who receive emergency food assistance support children under the age of 18. There are 26,970 children in Douglas County who are at-risk for hunger, and 7,600) in Sarpy County. One in five children participate free or reduced school breakfast and lunch programs. We believe that Jesus’ charge to his disciple Peter to “Feed my sheep,†(John 21:16) is our sacred duty and our daily calling. We are challenged by the great need around us, but we are hopeful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others and to grow our spirits by serving all the children of God. And while we cannot solve all of their needs, we believe we must use our best efforts to do what we can. St. Matthew Ev. Lutheran church partners with Project Hope to operate a satellite Food Pantry at our church to serve our neighbors in the midtown Omaha area. We provide groceries, paper products and personal items to individuals and families in our community who do not have enough of what they need to get them through the month. Pantry users may choose from a variety of items based on their family size and need. There are no financial qualifications and no cost to use the pantry. Please bring picture ID, Social Security cards for each member of your family, and/or a piece of mail with your name and address. Third Saturday of each month, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Free to all participants. |
Hand Up Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68131 402.345.5383 |
Details: Our Hand Up Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. except holidays. Our goal is to provide a hand up for those in our community by providing food. To receive a pantry please bring your social security card and two pieces of identification with an address. Clients are able to be served a full pantry once a month. We offer a weekly Senior Pantry for those 65 and over. |
Benson Baptist Church Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68104 402.551.1512 |
Details: The Food Pantry is open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the last Saturday of each month. Benson Baptist’s Food Pantry Ministry has been in existence for about 15 years. It is designed to provide food on a monthly basis to anyone who requests it. We serve close to 225 families monthly, and those families represent about 600 people. On average, we disperse approximately 6,000 pounds of food. Our food is purchased from Food Bank for the Heartland, and we receive bread from Rotella Bakery as well as donations from Sunset Hills Baptist Church. At times we also find it necessary to purchase food from local grocery stores. Our congregation also donates food. The food ordered from the Food Bank is delivered on the last Tuesday of the month. The delivered groceries are put away in the basement, and boxes are then filled with food in preparation for the Food Pantry, which is held the last Saturday of the month. In addition to food, we supply clothing and incidental items to our clients. These items are supplied by donations from our congregation, Walmart and other sources. Our funding comes from congregational donations, occasional grants and church-allocated funds, although we are not included in our church budget. We have approximately 40 volunteers each Saturday of operation comprised of our congregation members and some students from Brownell Talbot High School. We also have students from Methodist College of Nursing who provide blood pressure tests and glucose checks for our clients. |
Community Food Pantry at Chabad of Nebraska Omaha, NE 68144 402.957.2705 |
Details: The community food pantry at Chabad of Nebraska, the only location in West Omaha, works to end hunger by organizing food, information and support for community survival and dignity. Working to end food poverty and increase access to affordable, nutritious food for low-income and disabled Omahans, the food pantry's initiatives focus on direct services, food sourcing and distribution, nutrition and health education, financial empowerment, disaster relief and policy and research. |
Westside Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68154 402.496.7833 |
Details: The Westside Food Pantry provides non-perishable food packages for individuals and families both within our church body and for the community. Food Pantry boxes must be requested by contacting the church office for an appointment. Each family is eligible to receive a Food Pantry box twice a year. |
FaithWorks Pantry Omaha, NE 68137 402.895.3394 |
Details: Offering food staples to those in need. Every Third Wednesday of the Month 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM AND Every Fourth Saturday of the Month 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at FaithWorks Pantry. Please bring a photo ID and proof of address. There will be an application available onsite that will need to be filled out. |
Society of St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Omaha, NE 68102 402-779-8499 |
Details: Drive through distribution on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
The SVDP Pantry offers a food pantry to the public and those in need. We receive a portion of our food from the USDA through the Emergency Food Assistance Program, also known as TEFAP. No ID or additional information is required to receive TEFAP food(s) as long as you are under the monthly gross income limits. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. |
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