North Carolina Food Banks >> New Bern Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in New Bern NC

Religious Community Services of New Bern Inc.
New Bern, NC 28560
Details: Soup Kitchen: A nutritious meal is provided every day, including holidays. The ECU School of Nursing provides basic health screenings for guests of the Soup Kitchen. Last year we served nearly 63,000 meals! We have volunteers of all ages helping in the Soup Kitchen; it is one of the most rewarding opportunities we offer. Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry is stocked through food drives and donations. Families in need can receive 1-week’s food for at-home preparation. Last year, we provided 185,388 meals to families in need. We always need food for our Pantry. Summer months are typically slower donation months, so we encourage private food drives as well as participation in ones we have scheduled for a more balanced stock of food throughout the year.
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina - New Bern Branch
New Bern, NC 28560
Details: The New Bern Branch of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina serves 5 counties including Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow, and Pamlico. This area is also shared with our Greenville Branch. In these counties, more than 63,800 people live in food insecure households, more than a third of whom are children. Last year we distributed more than 3.6 million pounds of food to our network of 78 partner agencies in the local community. Our New Bern Branch also has its own community garden that provided 7,500 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to the local community last year. For every dollar donated, we can provide 5 meals to the New Bern community! Get involved today by making a donation, signing up to volunteer, or hosting a food drive!
Word of God Christian Center - Caring & Sharing Food Bank Ministry
New Bern, NC 28562
Details: Caring & Sharing Food Bank Ministry has partnered with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina to minister to the physical needs of families with the surrounding community through the distribution of free food. Our goal is to impact lives through compassion, respect, and the love of Christ (Matthew 25:31-40). Distribution occurs on the third Saturday of each month from 9 am - 12 pm.
Cornerstone Food Pantry
New Bern, NC 28560
Details: Cornerstone Food Pantry will take phone calls on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for pick-up the following day (Thursday) between 9:30 and 10:15am. Call Cornerstone Food Pantry at 252-675-0344 between 1-4pm to reserve your food. DO NOT leave a message, keep calling back until you speak to a person that can get your name on the list. Do not call early, as you will be instructed to call back. Food will be picked up between 9:30am and 10:15am (unless otherwise specified during your call-in) in Building 300. A line will form in front of the left set of doors. When asked, please give your reservation name and you will be directed through the pickup process. Only one reservation per person will be processed at a time. Only Cornerstone personnel are allowed in side the main building. Daycare personnel are not able to assist you with pick up, please go to the left set of doors and wait for the Food Pantry volunteers to assist you. When calling please give your name, number in your household, if you have any infants/toddlers in need of baby food or diapers, or if you are in need of adult incontinence products. Let us know if someone else is picking up your food for you. Due to limited resources all around, we may only be able to accommodate a set number of households in a given week. If that is the case, we will put any overflow on a waitlist and do our best to get the overflow households whatever food we can. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. To help minimize overhead we ask that you return your paper/blue bags and\or boxes back to us. Please remember all volunteers should be treated with respect when calling in and picking up your food. This is a volunteer service and failure to do so will limit your ability to receive food.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?