Hawaii Food Banks >> Lihue Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Lihue HI

Kauai Independent Food Bank
Lihue, HI 96766

The mission of the Kauai Independent Food Bank (KIFB) is to educate, provide nutritious food for the hungry, and respond to emergencies. Food security for all the people of Kauai and Ni'ihau is the ultimate goal of the KIFB and is demonstrated through numerous programs providing services to our communities. In the implementation of these programs, our values and priorities reflect the ancient Hawaiian customs of aloha, kupono (honesty), hanohano (dignity), hui (partnership), lokahi (unity), kuha'o (self-reliance) and ha'aah'a (humility).

Malama Pono Health Services Food Pantry
Lihue, HI 96766
Details: Malama Pono Health Services (MPHS) provides referrals to local food banks and maintains a limited food pantry at our main offices. We believe that in order to become and remain healthy after diagnosis, one must have access to quality, nutritious and healthy foods. For many, limited incomes and distance from food sources make a consistent and stable food supply difficult. MPHS attempts to fill the gap where possible, offering food stuffs purchased with grants and donate monies. Only clients living with HIV/AIDS who are enrolled in our case management program and are income-qualifying have access to this resource.
The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands - Lihue Corps Community Center - Kokua Soup Kitchen
Lihue, HI 96716
Details: Both the Hanapepe and Lihue Corps Community Centers serve the hungry and homeless community through its Kokua Soup Kitchen. Hours: Tuesday 5:00 pm, Thursday 11:30 am, Saturday 11:30 am
Hawaii Foodbank, Inc - Kauai Branch
Lihue, HI 96766
Details: The Hawaii Foodbank is the only nonprofit 501(c)3 agency in the state of Hawaii that collects, warehouses and distributes mass quantities of both perishable and non-perishable food to 250 member agencies as well as food banks on the Big Island, Maui and Kauai. The Hawaii Foodbank forms a vital link between the food donors and our member agencies by providing services in collecting, sorting, salvaging and distributing food. The Hawaii Foodbank also supports its member agencies through financial and educational assistance. Mission Statement: The people of Hawaii are one ohana. The Hawaii Foodbank provides food so that no one in our family goes hungry. We work to gather food and support from our communities. We then distribute food through charitable agencies to those in need. Our mission is from the heart, and we will fulfill our mission with integrity, humanity and aloha.
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church - Loaves and Fishes
Lihue, HI 96766
Details: St. Michael’s food outreach program, Loaves and Fishes, is the largest food pantry on the island. The pantry distributes groceries to about 100 people each Wednesday morning. Loaves and Fishes is staffed by volunteers and supported with donations of food and cash from parishioners as well as other churches and organizations.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?