North Carolina Food Banks >> Lexington Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Lexington NC

West Davidson Food Pantry
Lexington, NC 27295
Details: The West Davidson Food Pantry exist to provide assistance to people who find themselves in need, especially those facing food insecurity, through our emergency feeding program and our weekend feeding program. In addition, we provide these families with clothing and support. Essentially, we have created a venue where people can participate trying to deal with food insecurity in the West Davidson area. We be came a 501(c)3 organization, because we did not want to be affiliated with one church or organization. We wanted to be a community organization that serves the community. In order to provide assistance for our neighbors, we need the entire community to participate. You may not be in a financial position provide a monitory donation, but we will take your old clothes. If you have items that are no longer of use, you can donate them to our thrift store so that we can sell them to help cover our operating cost. Maybe you can offer your time. We have numerous opportunities to serve, from helping prepare food to helping at the clothing closet to helping put things on Ebay.
Greater Things Outreach Center Food Pantry
Lexington, NC 27295
Details: Greater Things Outreach Center is a christian minestry whose purpose is to help those in our community by fulfilling their physical and spiritual needs. Our desire is for each person touched by this minestry to grow in their relationship with our lord jesus christ. We are a community of churches, businesses and concerned citizens, dedicated to fighting hunger and spreading the love of God in Northern Davidson County, North Carolina. Greater Things Outreach Center is an all volunteer food pantry; 100% all donations are used to provide services for our clients. Greater Things Outreach opened its doors for the first time July 5, 2011 as a mission of Bethesda UMC with the prayer that it would grow and one day operate as a community based organization. In June of 2015, that prayer became a reality. GTOC is now incorporated as 501(c)(3) organization. GTOC serves 450-500 individuals each week. We provide enough supplemental food for 3 days of nutritious meals. Clients may shop with us one time each week. GTOC is a client choice pantry. Clients shop and select their own food; just like going to the grocery store. 1 in 4 families in Davidson County face food insecurity. They may not be able to feed their family this week. With your help we can make a difference to families in need.
North Lexington Baptist Church Outreach
Lexington, NC 27295
Details: North Lexington Baptist Church Outreach program is to assist families who are in need during difficult times. Whether it is people from within the church or the community, we feel that is our obligation according to the scriptures to help one another. Along with the giving of food, the church ministers to the spiritual needs as well to those we help.God has directed us as believers to actively care for each other, both physically and spiritually. We express Christ’s love for those in the community by providing food. We are honored to serve those who are experiencing difficulties as we help meet their physical needs. As we do so, we find openings to minister to their spiritual needs as well. We are a non-profit outreach ministry sponsored by North Lexington Baptist Church. As a community of faith, this organization is united in sharing God's love with those in need by providing assistance and linking them with resources that will enable them to become healthier in mind, body and spirit. To receive food through outreach a person must come to North Lexington Baptist Church waiting area during our regular give away hours. Patrons will be required to fill out a short form and go through a quick interview process which includes verification of residence (photo ID). Food and personal items will be given based on availability and family size. Services are confidential and private. We are located at the address below. Outreach Hours: Tuesday 4:00pm - 6:00 p.m.
Sevices for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Davidson County - Food Pantry
Lexington, NC 27292
Details: The Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Davidson County works with Second Harvest to provide a food pantry for those in need.
Pastor's Pantry
Lexington, NC 27292
Details: Pastor’s Pantry is a nonprofit food pantry that targets senior hunger. Our main focus is seniors (age 60-plus) in financial crisis in Davidson County, North Carolina. We provide groceries for seniors in need once per month, and we also provide emergency food to individuals of all ages. Most seniors receive 7-10 plastic grocery bags of food each month, which generally lasts about 16 days. Many of these seniors live with younger relatives in their households, so the number of people we serve is greater than the number of seniors who apply for help. We also assist folks of all ages who come to our door in need of emergency food. Pastor’s Pantry currently helps more than 1,200 individuals on average per month in over 600 households throughout Davidson County. The food is offered at no cost to the recipient.
Grace Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Lexington, NC 27292

Grace Church no longer operates a food pantry. We do offer a lunch every Sunday at 12:45 pm.

DCCA Food Pantry
Lexington, NC 27292
Details: If you live in Davidson County and you are hungry, or if your family doesn’t have enough food to last through the month, we can help. You are not alone: 50 million people in our nation are hungry. North Carolina has the seventh highest rate of food insecurity in the nation. Hunger stalks one out of every six people in Davidson County, and more than one-third of these do not qualify for any government food assistance. Sadly, one in every four of our children live in households that need nutritious food on a routine basis. Hunger will increase as long as unemployment rates remain high. A recent survey indicates that nearly 80% of the US population will experience economic insecurity at some point in life. While America may not be “the land of plenty” for everyone, Davidson County Community Action has a firm commitment to respond with compassion to those in need. Perhaps you have recently been laid off from work, and can’t buy food and pay all of your bills at the same time. You might have suffered a divorce or death in the family, or be saddled with sky-high medical bills. Whatever the reason, right now your family needs food, and you may feel angry, inadequate, or as though your life is in crisis. We understand. We can help you overcome today’s emergency need for food. But what happens tomorrow? Our agency also offers comprehensive services to move permanently from needing emergency assistance, government programs or private charity, to a life that is dignified by economic independence and self-determination. Food is distributed at DCCA every Thursday from 9AM to noon, and 2PM to 4PM. Davidson County Community Action has been a champion for low-wage workers and their families since 1965.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?