Florida Food Banks >> Jacksonville Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Jacksonville FL

Second Harvest North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32206
Details: The mission of Second Harvest North Florida is to distribute food and grocery products to hungry people and to educate the public about the causes and possible solutions to problems of domestic hunger. One dollar donated to Second Harvest generates seven meals, or the equivalent of two days of food for a person in need. By establishing relationships with large food suppliers like ConAgra and retail partners like Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie, Publix, BJs and Target, Second Harvest is able to rescue an enormous volume of food and stretch each dollar incredibly far. And because of our lean staff and the generosity of our volunteers, more of every donation goes directly to our programs — not to overhead.
Clara White Mission Soup Kitchen
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Details: The Clara White Mission’s "soup kitchen" service provides hot meals to the general homeless population seven days a week. Breakfast is served seven (7) days a week from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. The program serves 400-500 persons daily. Volunteers assist with serving our daily meals.
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Details: St. Francis Soup Kitchen is a volunteer operated facility located at the Providence Center, 134 E. Church Street in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. As it has for over 30 years, each Saturday the St. Francis Soup Kitchen's volunteers serve hundreds of the community's less fortunate, poor, homeless, and anyone in need of nourishment. Everything is done to acknowledge the dignity of the poor, to respect them and serve them hospitably. Soup Kitchen Breakfast: At 7:00 am Saturday a small breakfast is served to dozens of people, many of whom have spent the night outside our facility. Soup Kitchen Lunch: Starting at 10:00 am guests are invited into our dining room for lunch where they are seated and served by our volunteers. A typical meal includes a salad, side item, main course, dessert and coffee. We also hand out over hundreds of loaves of bread, rolls, bagels and a variety of other baked goods. When available, we give away reading glasses and used paperback books. Clothes Closet: On the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month beginning at 7:00 am fifty men's and fifteen women's clothes closet tickets are distributed to guests. From 8:00 am to 9:45 am tickets are presented to clothes closet volunteers and guests are given miscellaneous items and a change of clothing for the week. Canned goods give-away: Each Saturday starting at 10:00 am we are able to provide more than 100 bags of canned goods filled with a dozen cans or so in each bag, on a first come, first serve basis to those people who request them. The canned goods are provided through a U.S.D.A./T.F.A.P. Commodities Food program managed by The Second Harvest Food Bank. Volunteers from the St. Francis Soup Kitchen coordinate the canned goods pick up, and redistribution. We have our guests complete the paperwork necessary for them to obtain the food.
Christ Church Community Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Details: The mission of Christ Church Community Food Pantry is to collect food and distribute to those in need in our church and in our community. Hours of operation: 9:00 am-11:00 am the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Numbers will be given out starting at 7:30 am. Please bring your photo ID. The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month in November & December due to the holidays
Daily Bread Food Pantry at Mandarin Presbyterian
Jacksonville, FL 32223
Details: The Daily Bread Food Pantry at Mandarin Presbyterian was created to assist those families and individuals in need in our local area (Zip codes 32257-59 and 32223). The food pantry is open each Tuesday from 5:00pm – 6:30pm on the West Campus (12001 Mandarin Road, Jacksonville, FL. 32223). Participants may come once every two weeks. No one will be turned away on the first visit but there after must have some evidence of current address including zip code.
JFCS Winn-Dixie Emergency Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32217
Details: Thanks to donations of non-perishable food items and monetary contributions from a concerned community, JFCS provides nutritious emergency groceries to those experiencing difficult times. Our on-site pantry is open on a walk-in basis on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. We are located at 6261 Dupont Station Court, East, Jacksonville, FL 32217 (off St. Augustine Road, two blocks from University Blvd.). Walk-ins are welcome. Bring your Picture ID. You may receive food up to three times in a twelve-month period.
Christ Church of Peace - Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32205
Details: Christ Church of Peace takes the Lord's Great Commission to heart and endeavors to serve our neighbors and community by providing food to the hungry through an emergency food pantry. To take advantage of this special ministry, you'll need a Christ Church of Peace Food Pantry card. You can apply for a card by bringing with you: A picture ID that isn't expired showing your current address; Proof of residency (a light bill, rent receipt, etc.); A Social Security card and/or guardianship papers, birth certificates, immunization records, school records, etc., for everyone you are claiming.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Details: Downtown Ecumenical Services Council – DESC – was founded in 1981 by churches in urban Jacksonville to provide emergency assistance to people in need. DESC is chartered by the State of Florida as a charitable agency. It is governed by a Board of Directors who represent the founding churches, as well as other churches, organizations and individuals interested in our ministry. Contributions from sponsoring churches contribute 15% of our operating expenses, with the majority of our support and funding coming from foundations, grants, fundraising activities and individual contributions.
LSS Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Details: The LSS Food Pantry is located in the main LSS office at 4615 Philips Hwy. The pantry is on the east-facing side of the building, most easily accessed from Hudnall Rd. The LSS Food Pantry serves any individuals and families in need. Hours of Operation: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
Mandarin Food Bank
Jacksonville, FL 32258
Details: Our mission is to provide emergency food and clothing to those in need in the Mandarin Community. We are a ministry run entirely by volunteers. Anyone residing in the Mandarin Community, regardless of religious affiliation, is eligible to be served. We serve people living in the following zip codes: 32217, 32223, 32256, 32257, 32258, and 32259 Our food bank and clothes closet hours are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. The food we give to you consists of canned goods and other non-perishable items. We try to also have fresh milk and fresh meat for you. We usually have bread, baked goods, fresh produce, and fresh fruit. Our goal is to provide food for a balanced diet. We can give you toiletries, household products, and pet foods when they are available. If you have dietary restrictions, allergies, or other food preferences, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you. Our food has been donated in good faith by caring individuals, businesses, and civic groups. We carefully check to insure that you only get fresh food, but it is your responsibility to check the food before you serve it. Before receiving your food, we require that you sign your client card, releasing the Mandarin Food Bank from liability for any unintended consequences from the use of the food. This also helps us to identify any problems and make corrections.
United Community Outreach Ministry
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Details: UCOM - URBAN SERV, INC. is a not for profit charitable organization that is locally based in the Southside of Jacksonville. Currently we service residents in the following zip codes: 32207, 32216, 32217 and 32246 (south of Beach Blvd). We are affiliated with several member congregations, civic organizations, and businesses who support UCOM through food drives, financial donations and volunteer support. UCOM has a 501-c-3 tax status and serves the community in three unique ways. Immediate hunger needs are met through the Emergency Service Center, pictured above. In 2013, over 5,000 people received food assistance and an additional almost 2,800 people were referred to appropriate agencies in their areas. Long term hunger needs are met through Meals On Wheels. Operating out of Lakewood Presbyterian Church, volunteer drivers deliver hot meals and smiles five days a week to over 40 home-bound members of our community. In 2013, over 13,000 meals were delivered. Education and employment needs are met through the CNA Scholarship Program which grants full scholarships for certified nursing assistant training. (Eligibility requirements and restrictions apply) In 2013, 6 students completed training through this program.
Feeding Northeast Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32254
Details: Feeding Northeast Florida is a regional food bank and food distribution center operating in Northeastern Florida. Our service area covers 17 counties in Northeast Florida. We distribute food primarily to charitable agencies and programs that meet the daily needs of clients in need of food and other services. Incorporated in 2014, this new initiative of Feeding America was born from the need to provide Northeast Florida with a charitable organization that had a singular focus on providing safe and nutritious food to those in need. To do so, we are building this organization with a foundation of food safety, client awareness, donor stewardship and effective partnerships. We believe the community deserves a charitable organization that is a model for efficiency, integrity and community support across America.
Armor of Faith Christian Center, Inc. - Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Details: Food Pantry Hours of Operation: Fourth Saturday 11am -2pm (Upon Availability)
St. Catherine's Episcopal Church - Rosa Lee Brannan Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32210
Details: The Rosa Lee Brannan Food Pantry ministers to those in need of food assistance from DUVAL county only. Hours of operation are: Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until noon. The pantry is located down the gravel drive on Stimson Street. Due to our limited supply of food, we are only able to give assistance once every 30 days.
Household of Faith Church - Food and Clothing Ministry
Jacksonville, FL 33208
Details: Our Food and Clothing Ministry is designed to make a difference in the community by sponsoring food and clothing to families in need.
Trinity Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32205
Details: Our Food Pantry is a busy ministry with at least four volunteers working each day. Last year (2009), we distributed food to approximately 9,000 families (representing 27,000 individuals). We purchase food from Second Harvest Food Bank and distribute USDA commodities. Our recent move to the parish house behind the church allows us to have larger freezer and refrigeration space for frozen and fresh food for families living in Duval County who are in need. Hours of Operation 10 am - 12 noon Monday - Saturday, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday.
Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32277
Details: St. Matthew's offers a Food Pantry, available to residents of Duval County. Food is distributed on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, between the hours of 8 and 9 a.m. Food is provided from the portico adjacent to the church gym, located at the rear of the church. As a portion of the food comes from the USDA, recipients must fill out and sign paperwork certifying they fall below specified income levels, or meet other criterion set up by the USDA. We welcome support from other congregations. This can be in the form of volunteers working at the pantry on Saturday mornings, financial contributions, canned/boxed food, fresh fruit and/or produce, medium sized boxes, paper bags and cloth food carry bags.
The Sulzbacher Center - Food Services
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Details: Sulzbacher Center is the only place in Northeast Florida where anyone who is hungry can receive a nutritious meal 2 times a day, 365 days a year. Every day we serve over 1,200 meals to our neighbors. We are grateful for the volunteers from more than 100 civic, religious and business organizations who prepare and serve hundreds of thousands of meals each year. Volunteer meal groups provide over $200,000 in support and more than 14,000 hours of their time annually to feed the hungry in our community. If you know someone who is hungry please let them know about our food service program. Our non-resident meals are served at the times listed below. Meals are served on a first some first served basis but no one is ever turned away. Lunch – 12:30 pm; Dinner – 6:30 pm
The House of Prayer - Food & Clothing
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Details: The House of Prayer provides Food & Clothing for hundreds of individuals from our congregation and the community at large. Distribution after 12 noon service.
Lem Turner Circle Church of Christ - Food & Clothing Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32208
Details: "We Don’t Just Preach The Gospel, We Teach The Gospel".
Westside Christian Church - Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32221
Details: The Food Pantry is open on the First Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM. On average, the WCC Food Pantry provides over 100 families and 350 individuals with groceries each month.
Southside Assembly of God - Jacob's Storehouse
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Details: Jacob’s Storehouse is the food distribution ministry of Southside Assembly. The pantry is opened to those of the church family or their family members who have crisis and family needs. The church participates with other citywide ministries to feed and assist homeless and transient people at locations other than Jacobs Storehouse. This is a ministry of love to those who need extra care.
Paxon Revival Center Church - Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32254
Details: The Food Pantry serves families in our church on a bi-weekly schedule.
Catholic Charities Jacksonville - Food Program
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Details: We all know what it feels like to be hungry but most of us do not worry about where our next meal is coming from. Food is one of the most basic human needs. Catholic Charities reaches out to help meet the need in our community through our Food Pantry. We could not keep our Food Program going if it were not for the generous donations and support we receive from numerous businesses, organizations and volunteers. Food is distributed to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 1pm to 2pm. For those coming to receive food during this time, you must bring your social security card and a social security card for each person for whom you are requesting food.
St. Mary's - Jacksonville
Jacksonville, FL 32206
Details: St. Mary's is an outreach mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida. We strive to be the welcoming face, heart and hands of Jesus Christ to all who come through our doors. We particularly serve the mentally ill, the struggling addict, high-risk youth and the urban poor.
Deermeadows Food Pantry
Jacksonville, FL 32256

The Deermeadows Church Food Pantry is open Tuesdays (2-4pm) and Thursdays (9:30-11:30am). Non-perishables only.

Jacksonville, FL 32206

Incorporated in 1994, FreshMinistries is a nonprofit organization that helps people in hunger, poverty and crime-ridden localities to reach their true potential. We empower communities by enabling access to education, health initiatives, economic opportunities, training, business incubation, etc. Our organization http://deathbytaxes.net/what-are-the-various-types-of-social-services/ helps bridge the gap between those willing to help and those seeking help. For details about our services, visit our site at: https://freshministries.org/about-us/ & https://freshministries.org/blog/.

The Kitchen
Jacksonville, FL 32244

The Kitchen is a non profit organization who is committed in the belief that our faith calls us to alleviate hunger by providing nourishment to those in need. We serve hot meals every 1st and 3rd saturday. Please contact us if you have a immediate food need during the week. We operate a small pantry and can serve families that have an immediate fod need. 

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?