Kentucky Food Banks >>
Frankfort Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Frankfort KY
Emergency Community Food Pantry of Franklin County Frankfort, KY 40601 |
Details: The Food Pantry is a centralized warehouse for the collection, organization, storage and distribution of groceries. The groceries are assembled either through food drives conducted during the year or purchased with donation received from the community. They are shelved for easy access by volunteers who pack grocery boxes for families Monday through Friday. Over 30 social service agencies and community churches partner with the food pantry to help direct groceries to the most needy families in Franklin County. Families visit these agencies or churches and provide relevant information about their grocery needs. The churches in turn forward these requests to ROSM which maintains all previous data regarding food requests from families in accordance with Food Pantry criteria for determining emergency grocery needs. If the criteria are met, ROSM forwards their information to the Food Pantry volunteers who prepare grocery boxes for the family. Each family receives enough food to prepare a week's worth or 21 meals. The average value of groceries provided to each family is $100. The number of items boxed is dependent on the size of the family requesting assistance. |
Pleasant Pantry Frankfort, KY 40601 502.227.5144 |
Details: Through God's Pantry we have received and distributed over 900,000 pounds of food to date. We have served many families. Members of this church body have contributed both time and personal funds to this food ministry. Pleasant Pantry is just one of the many opportunities that our Lord and Savior has given us to use in our many ministries at the "Camp." A proof-of-residency is requested as our pantry is restricted to the Northeast part of Franklin county. Service may be restricted to conditions and availability. HOURS: Monday and Saturday, 10am - 1 pm |
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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?