California Food Banks >> Foresthill Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Foresthill CA

Elijah's Jar
Foresthill, CA 95631
Details: Elijah’s Jar is the only permanent year-round food closet in the Foresthill area. We serve low income families, seniors, homeless, and disabled residents of the Foresthill Divide regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or religion. This includes the foothill communities of Iowa Hill, Michigan Bluff, Baker Ranch and Yankee Jim as well as Foresthill. We are an isolated community without any scheduled transportation system. Our clients without their own transportation would be in very serious need if we were not there to help. We are currently serving over 400 people per month representing about 150 families. This equates to about 7% of the populous of Foresthill area. 26% are children under the age of 18, over 14% are seniors and 24% are disabled. In recent years we have see the greatest increase in the clients of senior age group. We believe that Jesus Christ has called us to help provide for the needs of the disadvantaged. Since it's opening in March of 2003, our food closet has served over 700 families. Elijah's Jar is a much needed outreach ministry of the Foresthill Christian community. We receive regular donations from the following churches: Calvary Bible Church, Calvary Chapel Foresthill, Canyon View Assembly of God, Celebration Community Fellowship, the Foresthill Adventist, New Hope Lutheran, and Rivers of Life Four Square. However, these regularly committed donations cover less than 20% of our current monthly expenses. We receive no regular government funding and are fully dependant upon the generosity of many concerned people of the Foresthill area, as well as the service organizations, these churches, and occasional grants. Elijah's Jar is a 501(c)3 non-profit, therefore, all your donations are tax deductible. We are an all-volunteer organization.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?