North Carolina Food Banks >>
Durham Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Durham NC
The Salvation Army of Durham - Food Pantry Durham, NC 27701 919.688.7306 |
Details: The Salvation Army of Durham aims to ensure that no one in our community will go without a meal. Together, we can end the hunger struggle in Durham, Orange, and Person county. Recently, we have been transitioning to a "Recipient-Choice" Food Pantry in our Corps location. When someone comes to us in need of food assistance, we want to ensure a sense of dignity and empowerment. We believe that anyone can fall into a tough time or situation, and we are there to walk with you through it. With a recipient-choice food pantry, our participants will be able to walk through and choose specific groceries they want and need. We are excited about this transition, and thankful for the support that made it happen! |
Urban Ministries of Durham Durham, NC 27701 919.682.0538 |
Details: The Community Café serves three meals a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to shelter residents and anyone else in need of a meal. The welcoming Café area is a popular gathering place, and it is also used for community building and enrichment programs. Volunteers provide over 90% of the labor to prepare the meals, and community partners donate over 90% of the food. On weekdays, to help people find and keep jobs, we offer a convenient bag lunch picked up at breakfast to take wherever their day may lead them. In fiscal year 2014-2015, the Community Café served 260,000 meals, an average of 712 meals per day. Monday-Friday: Breakfast and bag lunch pickup 8–9 a.m., Dinner 7 -8 p.m.; Saturday: Breakfast 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Lunch in the cafe 12:30-1:30 p.m., Dinner 6-7 p.m.; Sunday and Holidays: Breakfast 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Lunch in the cafe 12:30-1:30 p.m., Dinner 6-7 p.m. Urban Ministries of Durham operates the Food Pantry and Clothing Closet to address basic emergency needs for food, clothing, and hygiene supplies. Most of those receiving support are not homeless but are trying to stretch very limited resources. Volunteers assisting guests watch for signs that a family is in danger of becoming homeless and can provide referrals to case managers and financial assistance providers for additional support. In fiscal year 2015, the Food Pantry and Clothing Closet servee an average of 487 households per month. Guests may receive groceries and/or clothing and/or diapers once every 30 days provided that they meet the eligibility requirements and provide documentation. We assist up to 26 households per day of service, Monday-Thursday from 9-11 a.m. Visitors must please wait outside until signup begins at 9 a.m. This program could not exist without the strong and dedicated support of groups of volunteers from local communities of faith, schools, and local companies. |
Immanuel Temple Community Service Department and Soup Kitchen Durham, NC 27707 919.957.0032 |
Details: Immanuel Temple’s Community Service Department and Soup Kitchen assist in the area of humanitarian aid, which includes food, clothing, and self-improvement needs. We operate Immanuel Temple’s Community Service Center at 2104 S Alston Ave Durham, NC (close to the church entrance). We offer assistance to anyone in need. Our Soup Kitchen provides healthy and nutritious meals every Sunday from 12 pm – 1:30 pm. |
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh - Food Pantry (Durham) Durham, NC 27707 919.286.1964 |
Details: Catholic Charities of the diocese of Raleigh provides tangible assistance to meet basic needs of families by responding with food, clothing, baby items, and/or some limited discretionary financial assistance. Catholic Charities does more than just distribute food and other assistance. The food pantries give hope to families by treating them with dignity and respect. Additionally, when families visit a Catholic Charities food pantry seeking emergency assistance, they are screened for other needs which Catholic Charities can help with. Once other areas of need are identified, families are invited to participate in programs aimed at reducing the families’ need to rely on emergency assistance. Food Pantry - W: 9:30am - 1:00pm |
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina - Durham Branch Durham, NC 27703 919.956.2513 |
Details: The Durham Branch of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina serves 6 counties including Chatham, Durham, Granville, Orange, Person, and Vance. In these counties, more than 106,990 people live in food insecure households, 30,750 of whom are children. Last year we distributed more than 7.6 million pounds of food to our network of 173 partner agencies in the local community. Our volunteers at the branch served 30,132 hours, the equivalent to approximately 14 full-time employees. For every dollar donated, we can provide 5 meals to the Bull City community! Get involved today by making a donation, signing up to volunteer, or hosting a food drive! |
Feed My Sheep of Durham Inc. Durham, NC 27703 919.399.5159 |
Details: We are primarily concerned with meeting the need of hunger in our community. We also help our local church to practice and live into its vision of providing hope, healing and hospitality to North East Central Durham and beyond. Three years ago, Feed My Sheep had begun serving hot meals and bagged groceries to approximately 20 households once a month. Today, we serve nearly 100 households twice monthly. All of this is done on a shoestring budget and 100% volunteer help. It has been a vital bridge into our immediately surrounding community. It also has opened up a very good working relationship between Asbury Temple and two major area universities: North Carolina Central and Duke Divinity School. Students from both institutions continue to play a vital role. |
Christian Assembly Emergency Food Pantry Durham, NC 27712 919.471.0220 |
Details: Christian Assembly's Emergency Food Pantry ministers to those in need within our community both physically and spiritually. Located in the church Annex Building, the Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursday afternoons of each month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The CA Food Pantry also serves the Durham area as an official emergency relief distribution location in times of disaster. We provided assistance to Hurricane Katrina victims that relocated to the Triangle. But the ongoing work of the Food Pantry is in providing food assistance to those presently in need in our community. Part of the Feeding America Network, the CA Food Pantry is a partner with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. Since food availability varies seasonally we also rely on donations. A dedicated group of volunteers work together to serve in this ministry. |
Calvary Baptist Church Food Pantry Durham, NC 27703 919.596.2592 |
Details: The Food Pantry Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. They pack and distribute boxes for needy families in our community. |
Russell Memorial CME Church - Food Bank Ministry Durham, NC 27701 919.682.2523 |
Details: We provide food assistance to local individuals and families who need assistance. Groceries often include non perishable items, which can be donated. You can call the church office to set up an appointment for donations or get more information on the criteria for qualifications. |
Mercy House Food Pantry Durham, NC 27703 |
Details: Life Community Services, in partnership with the Durham Parks and Recreation Department, launches the Mercy House Food Pantry. The Food Pantry is located at the Holton Career and Resource Center and is open on the first and third Fridays monthly from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina is a critical resource to more than 800 emergency food and social service programs in 34 counties of central and eastern North Carolina. A Food Pantry is a community-based program that collects and stores food to distribute free of charge to low–income families and individuals. The Mercy House Food Pantry introduced by Life Community Services- a division of Life International’s Outreach Ministry, will provide temporary food assistance to those in need once a week or twice a month. The Food Bank’s partner agencies have access to fresh produce, canned meals, baby food, frozen products, beverages, and essential non-food items such as personal hygiene items and paper products. A barrel is located in the rear of the Church for those who want to donate non-perishable food items. Monetary gifts are also welcome for discounted food purchases from the North Carolina Food Bank. As a partner of the Food Bank, Life International invites you to help meet the needs of the community and become part of the hunger solution. |
JFS Food Pantry Durham, NC 27705 919.354.4923 |
Details: The Food Pantry at the JFS is an exciting part of the building that enables JFS to serve its own clients as well as the larger community. Community members are free to bring in non-perishable food at any time to be donated to the food pantry. Clients can contact Shira Bar-On at (919) 354.4923 or to schedule an appointment to visit the food pantry. |
Healing With CAARE Inc. - Food Pantry Durham, NC 27701 919.683.5300 |
Details: The food pantry is open to the public after completion of a eligibility form, and provides emergency food assistance, food issued by appointments, and is a source of referrals. Distribution hours are Monday – Friday, 1-3 pm, by appointment only. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?