Michigan Food Banks >>
Dewitt Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Dewitt MI
Redeemer Food Pantry DeWitt, MI 48820 517.669.3430 |
Details: The Redeemer Food Pantry is a year-round outreach that provides food and other items to families referred through local human services organizations. Sometimes unexpected situations happen. When they do, the “Pantry†provides a little extra help to stretch the budget. Paper products, cleaning supplies, baby and personal care items, and non-perishable food products are collected through community food drives and from member donations. These contributions and targeted purchases help to keep the Redeemer Food Pantry filled with necessary product items. The Redeemer Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 10:00am - 2:00pm and 5:30 - 7:00pm. Under our grant guidelines you must live in Clinton county and are allowed to visit our pantry only once every 30 days. A referral is required and can be received through the following agencies: Department of Human Services 989-224-5500 or Christian Services 517-394-5411. |
Catholic Community of St. Jude - Food Pantry DeWitt, MI 48820 517.669.8335 |
Details: Our pantry is located at the parish offices at 409 Wilson Street. Our food pantry is open to local (DeWitt, north Lansing zip 48906, Bath, St. Johns) residents. We do ask that you can provide proof of residency with either a valid drivers license and or a copy of a utility bill with your correct name and address. You are welcome to visit once every 4 weeks. Due to supply and demand you may receive 1 to 3 bags of non perishible food items. The best times to visit are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9 AM to Noon or 1:30PM to 5PM. We are closed on the usual holidays. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?