Michigan Food Banks >> Detroit Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Detroit MI

Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan
Detroit, MI 48207
Details: Gleaners Community Food Bank, with broad community support, fights hunger in southeastern Michigan. In collaboration with our member agencies, the Feeding America network, and our program partners, we provide millions of pounds of donated and purchased food to people in need. In so doing, Gleaners is committed to distributing nutritional, high quality food. Through education and advocacy, we will reduce reliance on the emergency food system. Gleaners adopts best practices and cost effective systems and procedures to achieve the highest possible return on its human and financial resources. Gleaners fulfills its role with a sense of compassion and urgency while nourishing, sustaining and advancing hope in our community.
Capuchin Soup Kitchen - Conner Kitchen
Detroit, MI 48215
Details: The Conner Kitchen was opened in early 1998 in part as a response to Michigan's welfare-to-work initiative. Located in one of the initiative's pilot areas, the Conner Kitchen serves working families and seniors. As many as one-third of its meals are served to children 12 and under. The evening meal at Conner, a nourishing meal awaits children after school and adults after work. Monday - Saturday 8:30 - 9:30am Breakfast, 11:00am - 1:00pm Lunch, 4:00pm - 6pm Dinner (except Saturday).
Capuchin Soup Kitchen - Meldrum Kitchen
Detroit, MI 48207
Details: The Capuchin Soup Kitchen's Meldrum site is located one block from the original soup kitchen location on Mt. Elliott and serves the chronically poor. Meldrum guests are typically male, homeless or poorly housed, often diagnosed with a mental illness and/or substance abuse addiction. In addition, this facility provides showers and a change of clothing for about 30 people each day to give those in need a fresh focus and an increased sense of dignity and self-worth. Monday - Friday 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Breakfast, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
Capuchin Services Center
Detroit, MI 48211
Details: The Capuchin Services Center serves as the distribution site for emergency food and clothing.The Center has recently reengineered its food pantry to resemble a small grocery store, complete with reach-in freezers and coolers, vegetable and fruit islands, bread and pastry racks. Each guest is granted a designated number of pounds of food, based on family size. Non-perishable items and frozen meats are included in the allotted pounds; but fresh vegetables, dairy items, bread and other perishable foods are not. Those items are available to consumers over and above their weight total. Rather, they are available without limitation. The clothing distribution area was also redone with an emphasis on providing a more retail feel to the shopping experience. It also distributes appliances and furniture for families reestablishing households after a fire or a stay in a shelter. There are no geographic eligibility criteria; however, all recipients of service are interviewed by an emergency assistance worker. Identification must be provided for all individuals for whom assistance is requested. Families are eligible for food assistance every thirty days, and receive sufficient food to feed a family of four for a week. A typical food package contains ten pounds of meat, canned and boxed dry goods, fresh produce and fruit. Case management services are provided by degreed social workers, and support groups are offered for mothers and grandparents raising grandchildren. Donations of food, clothing and appliances and furniture in good condition are gratefully accepted.
All Saints Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry
Detroit, MI 48209
Details: All Saints Soup Kitchen is a faith community dedicated to the call to feed Christ’s lambs. The ministry is a carrying out of corporal works of mercy. In the interaction with our brothers and sisters, we are to providers of nourishment to both body and soul. Open to the public Monday, Wednesday & Thursday at 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Our Food Pantry is staffed by members of the All Saints community and volunteers from parishes in the area. Additional help is always welcomed. Open to the public Tuesdays 10a-Noon, and Wednesdays & Thursdays 1:30–3p
St. Christine Christian Services - Soup Kitchen
Detroit, MI 48223
Details: Our Mission: To help meet daily needs of some of the most vulnerable in the Brightmoor community of Detroit, assisting everyone with deep respect and dignity. Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30pm (Summer, 1-3pm), Saturdays, Noon-2pm.
St. Christine Christian Services - Food Pantry
Detroit, MI 48223
Details: Our Mission: To help meet daily needs of some of the most vulnerable in the Brightmoor community of Detroit, assisting everyone with deep respect and dignity. Hours: Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm, seniors and those with disabilities; 2:30-4:30pm (Summer, 1-3pm).
The Muslim Center Soup Kitchen
Detroit, MI 48238
Details: Every Saturday at 12:00 p.m. – Meals are prepared for the community free of charge. Clothing, books, and toys are given out as well.
Crossroads of Michigan - Soup Kitchen
Detroit, MI 48208
Details: Each Sunday afternoon, Crossroads serves a hot meal to all who come. Teams from parishes and service organizations throughout the metro Detroit area host the Soup Kitchen. Sun: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Manna Community Meal
Detroit, MI 48226
Details: Manna Community Meal is a soup kitchen in the city of Detroit committed to serving the Corktown community in Detroit by providing a free, hot meal five days a week. Manna Community Meal is a soup kitchen in the city of Detroit that was started in 1976. It is located on the lower level of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church (through the red door) but is directly linked and affiliated with Day House Catholic Worker. Manna Meal is co-sponsored by St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church. The soup kitchen is co-managed by Tom Lumpkin, a priest at Day House, and Marianne Arbogast. Its mission is to offer sanctuary from the harsh realities of the street and to foster human dignity. Manna Community Meal is committed to serving the Corktown community in Detroit by providing a free, hot meal five days a week to some 200 people who are not able to provide for themselves. Many of the guests are homeless and out of work. Many suffer from mental illness. Manna Community Meal encourages safety in the neighborhood by prohibiting drugs and violence in and around the soup kitchen. Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat: 7:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Focus: HOPE - Westside Food Center
Detroit, MI 48238
Details: Approximately 38,000 senior citizens in 42 metropolitan Detroit communities receive nutritional, supplemental food through Focus: HOPE each month. For many of our seniors, the box of food is their main source of nutritious food. At a time when they should be enjoying their golden years, many are barely able to pay living and medical expenses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture food supplements ensure that our older citizens get the assistance they need. Food is distributed through four food centers to those who meet the income guidelines. To help with food selection, signs in the food centers are in three languages: English, Spanish and Arabic. Home deliveries are made to homebound seniors by volunteers from schools, churches, local businesses and organizations.
Focus: HOPE - Eastside Food Center
Detroit, MI 48213
Details: Approximately 38,000 senior citizens in 42 metropolitan Detroit communities receive nutritional, supplemental food through Focus: HOPE each month. For many of our seniors, the box of food is their main source of nutritious food. At a time when they should be enjoying their golden years, many are barely able to pay living and medical expenses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture food supplements ensure that our older citizens get the assistance they need. Food is distributed through four food centers to those who meet the income guidelines. To help with food selection, signs in the food centers are in three languages: English, Spanish and Arabic. Home deliveries are made to homebound seniors by volunteers from schools, churches, local businesses and organizations.
Focus: HOPE - Southwest Food Center
Detroit, MI 48209
Details: Approximately 38,000 senior citizens in 42 metropolitan Detroit communities receive nutritional, supplemental food through Focus: HOPE each month. For many of our seniors, the box of food is their main source of nutritious food. At a time when they should be enjoying their golden years, many are barely able to pay living and medical expenses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture food supplements ensure that our older citizens get the assistance they need. Food is distributed through four food centers to those who meet the income guidelines. To help with food selection, signs in the food centers are in three languages: English, Spanish and Arabic. Home deliveries are made to homebound seniors by volunteers from schools, churches, local businesses and organizations.
Corpus Christi Parish - Emergency Food Pantry
Detroit, MI 48235
Details: Hunger, homelessness, abandoned homes, drug abuse, high unemployment and crime continue to plague our community. Many residents survive on small pensions, Social Security checks, Social Security Disability benefits or Department of Human Services grants, which leave no room for emergencies, especially with the worsening economic climate and forecast. Often, a grandparent must care for grand children or a parent for a needy adult son or daughter. Our Emergency Food Program began more than 25 years ago to help meet the needs of the people in our community year-round and provide special assistance during Thanksgiving and Christmas. We do our best to alleviate the emergency food and household needs of our neighborhood. Volunteers operate our program. We depend financially on voluntary donations from our church members through monthly appeals, holiday giving from our community schools, fundraising and occasional outside sources.
Cass Community Social Services
Detroit, MI 48206
Details: Cass Community Social Services (CCSS) was established as a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) in 2002. Prior to that many of its programs started as a part of Cass Community United Methodist Church. The Detroit-based agency works across the city in areas of concentrated poverty providing programs for food, health, housing and jobs. Cass prepares and serves one million meals a year. Our food comes from our community garden and food rescuers like our friends at Gleaners and Forgotten Harvest. Churches, schools, and sororities also help us out by hosting canned food drives. We also receive several hundreds of pounds of meat from hunters in Northern Michigan throughout the hunting season. With all of these options you can be sure that everyone at Cass has a healthy, balanced meal.
Emmanuel Community House, Inc.
Detroit, MI 48203
Details: Emmanuel Community House, Inc. opened Emmanuel Community Center over 30 years ago. Since its inception, they have provided, spiritual enrichment, after school programming, and have fed 1000s of families.
Everyone Eats
Detroit, MI 48208
Details: Everyone Eats serves meals every Wednesday from 12pm to 1pm at no charge to those who can use a helping hand.
Free Indeed Outreach Ministries
Detroit, MI 48207
Details: Free Indeed Ministries is a organization whose goals are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of widows and orphans and spread the gospel.
God's Storehouse
Detroit, MI 48203
Details: Mission: Teaching God's Word, Feeding the Hungry, Clothing the Naked, Finding the Lost, Caring for the Sick, Rest for the Weary. Restoring lives through the Word of God.
Grace Temple COGIC - Food Pantry
Detroit, MI 48206
Details: Grace Temple COGIC partners with New Jerusalem Temple and Get Back Up Inc to pass out food to citizens of Detroit MI. Food Pantry days are every Tuesday immediately following the Bible Class @ 11:45 a.m. or 12: 00 p.m. until all food is gone!!!! Psalms 124:8 “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth”
Shiloh Deliverance Church - Food Pantry
Detroit, MI 48235

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?