Minnesota Food Banks >>
Burnsville Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Burnsville MN
Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf Burnsville, MN 55337 952.595.5980 |
Details: The Vineyard Community Service Basic Needs Program helps feed the hungry and assists people in crisis. We operate as the Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf and are open: Tuesdays nights from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, Saturdays mornings from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. We are also open from 1 pm to 3 pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for our Seniors and Mobility Challenged neighbors. Emergency food support assistance is provided Tuesday through Friday from 11am to 3pm; we ask that you would call our main phone number at 952-595-5980. During our intake process you can check for eligibility for Federal Nutrition programs such as SNAP, WIC and school lunch as well as others. Application assistance is also available from our bi-lingual specialists. When you arrive on Tuesday night and Saturday mornings please follow the signs for direction to our entrance. We ask seniors and the mobility impaired to enter through the main lobby doors. Our registration process requires that you provide personal identification. Here is a list of acceptable forms of ID: U.S. Drivers License, International Drivers License, State ID, Passport, Collage Student ID, Social Security Card, Immigration ID, citizenship ID or a current utility bill. |
360 Communities - Burnsville Food Shelf Burnsville, MN 55337 952.985.5300 |
Details: Providing Immediate Aid and Connecting Individuals and Families with Resources to Help Them on their Journey to Self-Sustained Success Our network of five food shelves provides immediate food and resources to individuals and families to bridge them through difficult times and help them reach self-sufficiency. We engage our food shelf customers to provide workable solutions that will stabilize them and prevent future crises. Each year, about 10,000 people benefit from this vital service. 360 Communities’ food shelves will provide documents in alternate formats such as large print or on computer disk upon request in order to serve people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities may also contact our food shelves using the Minnesota Relay Service by dialing 1.800.627.3529. Burnsville Food Shelf - Open Monday through Friday 9am to 4pm. |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church - Mission Outpost Burnsville, MN 55337 952.898.9311 |
Details: If you are experiencing a difficult time, Mission Outpost is a soft place to land. Each week, more than 100 volunteers provide food, clothing, linens, toiletries, furniture, and baby supplies to all kinds of people in our community. Food Shelf – You may receive food from our food shelf one time per month. Our foodshelf will often include dry goods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, breads, fruits and vegetables and meats. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?