North Carolina Food Banks >> Boone Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Boone NC

Greenway Food Pantry
Boone, NC 28607
Details: The Greenway Food Pantry is a ministry of the church that strives to serve those in our church and community who are in need of food assistance for their family. In difficult times, it is a blessing to know that people can turn to Greenway for help. Donations from our generous church members enable us to stock the pantry though a partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank in Winston-Salem NC, at a reduced cost. We rely heavily on these donations, as well as food drive collections thru church events and weekly food item donations from the congregation. The food Pantry is located in the east wing of the main church building. It is open Thursdays from 10:00am until 2:30pm. Please do not arrive on campus until 9:45am. We are a self choice pantry, meaning the guest is able to choose up to 15 items for their family. Guests are able to shop weekly as needed. During inclement weather, please call ahead to make sure the food pantry will be open.
Hunger and Health Coalition
Boone, NC 28607
Details: The mission of the Hunger and Health Coalition is to relieve poverty and hunger in a compassionate manner for families and individuals who are experiencing economic hardship and food shortages. This assistance may include food, medicine, and referrals to other community resources. The Hunger and Health Coalition meets emergency needs while acting as a community resource assisting those in need to find a more permanent solution. Food Pantry: Families can receive a box of food twice each month. The Food Pantry is stocked from purchases from the Second Harvest Bank of Northwest North Carolina, donations from individuals, businesses and community groups.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?