California Food Banks >>
Applegate Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Applegate CA
Sierra Reach Food and Clothing Ministry Applegate, CA 95703 530.878.2705 |
Details: The Sierra Reach Food and Clothing Ministry was birthed in the fall of 2001 out of the heart of Isaiah 61:1-4; with a desire to bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and bring comfort to those in need. Jesus was very clear as to the importance of serving those in need in the book of Matthew 25: 35-40, I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me,… to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to me. We believe that Christ died for ALL mankind and every individual has great value and meaning because of the price that Jesus paid for us. As we ourselves have been set free and comforted by Jesus it is our desire to be used of Him to do unto others as He has done unto us. We the “church†are the hands and feet that Jesus uses to love and serve those in our community who are afflicted, brokenhearted, and in need of comfort. We make no apologies that it is Jesus in us who does the work and provides for the needs that come our way. It is our desire to help reconcile and restore people to God and one another that they may have a hope and future. We are doing this through prayer, sharing the Word, and providing at least 3 meals per person per family per week. This is done through a hospitality approach as each individual is walked through our food section by one of our volunteers giving them multiple choices as to what foods they may choose from. We try to be aware of any special needs that our clients may have and do our best to meet those needs. After they have made all their choices, their groceries are carried to their car for them, giving us further opportunity to develop relationships with each individual. Our clothes and shoes are available for all sizes for the current season. Our volunteers check all donated clothes to be sure they are clean, stain free, and not torn. At times, we also have household items, blankets, and sleeping bags available. We believe that all who come deserve our best efforts when it comes the quality of our food and clothing that we have available. We are open every Thursday from 9:00a.m. – 12:00 noon. We begin each Thursday with a short devotional from the Bible followed by community prayer. Coffee and treats are always on hand for all to enjoy. We are available for Biblical counsel and prayer throughout the day as well. A sense of safety and community has developed as we have invested into people’s lives and trust has been built. We trust that God knows our needs better than we do and He will move hearts to give to this ministry so that no one who comes goes away feeling unloved, without food, or clothing. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?