North Carolina Food Banks >> Apex Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Apex NC

Western Wake Crisis Ministry
Apex, NC 27502
Details: Western Wake Crisis Ministry was established in 1983 by area churches and community members who were concerned about a few local families in need. We have grown to be an important outreach that serves over 200 families in our community each month. Many of these families have never needed help before. We are glad to provide a helping hand to residents who are having a temporary or long term crisis that impacts their ability to provide for their basic needs. Community Food Pantry & Nutrition: Visitors to our pantry are offered the opportunity to "shop" for the items they need, free of charge. Volunteers are available to shop for residents who need extra assistance. This food pantry model promotes dignity, offers supportive social interaction & reduces food waste. We partner with the Simple Gifts Community Garden & NCSU Nutrition Department to offer healthy food options and education.
The Point Food Pantry - Apex
Apex, NC 27539
Details: The Point Food Pantry serves families in need of food assistance by providing a couple of bags of groceries, a hot meal, and clothing every Saturday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Families must live in Wake County. Assistance is given on a first come, first served basis. Contact us at 919-467-9159 or Wayne Gregory at Members of The Point Church are welcome to receive assistance on Fridays from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Email Jay at or call 919-610-9665 to make arrangements.
Brown Bag Ministry
Apex, NC 27502
Details: Our Mission: To provide to those marginalized; food, water, clothing, shelter, and friendship, to counsel them on becoming independent, and to be vocal advocates for those who do not have a voice. The mission must be supported with a well-organized, growing, financial sound ministry. The beginning of the Brown Bag Ministry is a very interesting story of how the thoughts and prayers of two people, Patricia Hartley and Mary Jo Bukowski, followed in response to the Cursillo message of the Apostolic Action in our environment. The Hearing of "Feed the poor....." has driven these two special women since early 2005. Initially 25 bag lunches were prepared in Patricia's kitchen and delivered to one location in Raleigh. This ministry has now grown to over 2,700 bags delivered to multiple locations and the preparation of a hot meal twice per month. This ministry has provided blessings to many people - not only those being served, but reaching abundantly to those doing the serving. Our Ministry touches the lives of many organizations. The Knights of Columbus, Y-Guide Tribes, Scout Troops, and various church groups have begun to volunteer with Brown Bag Ministry on an annual basis. The preparation and distribution provide important life lessons to these children. The Brown Bag Ministry has also developed "Specialty Bags" which consist of basic necessities, such as soap, wash cloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, just to name a few. These bags are now distributed on a regular basis to the less fortunate in our area. The response from our community has been wonderful. We are so grateful for all of the donations and offers of support for this ministry for without the efforts of our community we could not fulfill our obligation to help those in need.
White Oak Foundation Inc. - Food Pantry Programs
Apex, NC 27523
Details: Food Pantry: Food box content based on donations & NC Food bank Inventory; Mini Food Pantry: Food available dependent on donations

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?